ATTENTION: EVERYONE! SINGLE PAYER/UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE/MEDICARE FOR ALL **************Spread the Word! It all helps!***************** First of all, let me inform you that I am not a Republican Tea Party member. I support President Obama in many instances, but I am not afraid of telling it like it is in certain matters where he has dropped the ball. I am simply someone concerned that the American people are being conned into accepting a health plan that is not in their best interests. I come to you with some insight because I have lived under a Single Payer system and am here to tell you that you are getting the raw end of the deal by blindly accepting Obamacare (ACA). The greed in this country is the enemy of progress and sadly, politicians of all stripes are not above its lure. And that is why this country is lagging behind other industrialized countries that have successfully implemented a Single Payer health insurance system. If you feel disloyal to President Obama by supporting Single Payer, you must remember that originally he wanted a public plan and because of the Democrats lackadaisical approach to educating the people repetitively about its considerable benefits, he took the easy route and again, caved in to the big boys. I can only imagine that he and his Party benefited considerably from this capitulation. In other words, a deal with the devil was forged as President Obama abruptly abandoned his push for a public plan to implement this bonanza for the private health insurers. As a result, you are settling for crumbs as these private companies and associated special interests are consuming most of the cake. We MUST spread the word about Single Payer, solidly and without equivocation. There is a large movement out there for it - and frankly Obamacares demise wouldnt stop the push for universal healthcare/Single Payer. In fact, it would heighten it since people will be needing a solution. Obamacare (ACA) is a travesty since the real winners are the private insurers, pharmaceutical companies and those paid off to thwart any alternate plan that would divest these profiteers of their blood-stained rewards. EVERYONE would be covered under Single Payer and costs will be brought down across the board - and lives will be saved. Your wallet and health will thank you, as any tax you will be required to pay will be considerably less than the exorbitant premiums you pay to the private insurers. Care will not be compromised OR BEGRUDGED and peace of mind will be restored. And consider this.......As someone on private health insurance, how many bills do you receive from your hospital? Now, with that answer in mind, go to sites like Healthcare-NOW and PNHP (Physicians for a National Health Program) and do your homework about Single Payer. You will be pleasantly surprised. . If people settle for Obamacare, they are supporting an inferior model and a despicable agenda. It is messy and particularly expensive and will be difficult to implement. Nothing worth doing comes without obstacles and we have some considerable ones in the form of the private health insurers and Greed, but I am sure u would not want to add to them because of fear that an inferior system (Obamacare/ACA) may go by the wayside. Education about Single Payer benefits must come not only from those in the public eye, it must come from people like you. My husband and I are very vocal about it - and will not hesitate to bring it up if occasion allows . Not just to friends (mostly wed be preaching to the choir) but to strangers as well. This push for a decent healthcare plan has been going on for a long time and Single Payer/ Universal Healthcare needs your support. As does Dr Margaret Flowers. Please sign her petition to President Obama. Remember, if enough people sign, the power of the people may prevail. Suzanne Langland Please Share
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 18:08:28 +0000

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