ATTENTION FELLOW THREE AFFILIATED TRIBES MEMBERS. TAKE A MOMENT TO READ AND GIVE FEEDBACK PLEASE. REVISED ON: 09/17/2014 Actually the tribe is extracting over 300,000 barrels per day. Multiply that by the low end aount of $82 per barrel = $24,600,000.00 per day multiplied by 365 days per year = $8,979,000,000.00 gross production per year. Deduct around 40% of that ($3,591,600,000.00) fo overhead (private landowners, state, federal, employees ect.) and the tribe is still producing around $5,387,400,00.00 per year net$$$. Consider the possibility of dividing that net amount by 2 = $2,693,700,000.00 divided by 15,000 or so members = $179,580.00 per tribal member give or take that actual amount of members. The remaining $2 billion can be used to invest in infrastructure, economic capacity, law and order, social issues, ect. We should be extremely wealthy. Remember this is the low end of what a barrel of crude is worth. Look up NASDAQ and check for yourselves. Tribal Council please explain these disparities in accumulated wealth. Let us not be greedy but realistic. Money makes the world go around but it shouldnt control us to the point of slavery. We would all love to have $180,000.00 but a great way to do this whole per cap would to give us $1,000 per week. That amounts to a $25.00 per hour job at 40 hours a week. Plus $52,000.00 a year. More then half of the people enrolled have never seen them numbers before and they are fair balanced. These numbers are accurate and I BELIEVE will be more manageable. It would be like having two incomes for a single working person and 4 incomes for a married working couple. $780,000,000.00 is what it would take to give every 15,000 (high end) enrolled member $1,000.00 per week = $52,000.00 every year to be paid out quarterly at $13,000.00. Which will give the Tribe $4,607,400,000.00 to make the Three Affiliated Tribes the most successful of all of the Nations in the country.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 16:11:50 +0000

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