ATTENTION, I am fed up with people who start conversations about - TopicsExpress


ATTENTION, I am fed up with people who start conversations about Saint Trayvon who was murdered while innocently sitting on white mans chest and beating his head into the pavement... or Saint Michael Brown... who was attacked by a police officer half his size who tried to drag him into a police car through the window after a years long police career... in a black community... with out a single brutality complaint... or the disrespect shown the Black Messiah... President Obama... in racist America... or... the black community exploding in anger at any black... other than Obama... who can get himself elected... where the term UNCLE TOM is used frequently... although Harry Belafonte Jr. passed Uncle Tom and went straight for House Nigger when talking about Colin Powell. Yet when *I*... a lowly white man... try to contribute to the discussion... people... black and white... point out that all I can talk about is race and color. WHAT... THE... HELL. If the discussion is about welding... I talk welding... and nobody calls me a weldist. If the discussion is about weather... I talk about weather... and nobody calls me a weatherist. BUT... if the discussion is about race... and I talk about race... I am frequently called a racist. FROM THIS MOMENT ON. Every racist comment shall be met... head on... with a fact about elephant poop. That is correct. Elephant Poop. Deal with it.
Posted on: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 23:02:31 +0000

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