ATTENTION OHIO RESIDENTS: MUST READ In Ohio, GOP/ALEC Gov John Kasich rolled back renewable energy standards, effectively killing alternative sources of energy in Ohio for the foreseeable future. This means that companies like Duke Energy, Koch Industries, and others wants to continue Ohios addiction to Oil, Coal and Fracking. Duke Energy just polluted the Ohio River, and Cincinnatis drinking water with oil. Kasich wants to put money in his greedy pocket by denying development of alternative sources of energy. How was Kasich and the Ohio GOP State Legislature able to do this? The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC). The most galling part of this is that NONE OF THE GOP LEGISLATORS ACTUALLY WROTE THE BILL. Let me repeat; Ohio SB 310, the bill to roll back the Renewables Portfolio Standards (RPS) bill WAS NOT written by ANY GOP Legislator. It was written by ALEC. Let that sink in. ALEC wrote the anti RPS bill, Ohio SB 310, and PAID Kasich and corrupt GOP legislators to pass it into law. THIS SAME BILL was introduced in 37 other states around the country. This is a prime example of an ALEC Model Bill. Other examples of ALEC model bills include the Stand Your Ground Murder Law, Voter ID/Vote Suppression law, and Solar Tax Law among others. A full list of these laws, and the politicians who are bought by ALEC can be found at Ask yourself a question: Are you REALLY OK with a collection of corporations and billionaires writing laws YOU have to follow? And not your elected representatives? There has never been a bigger threat to American Democracy than The American Legislative Exchange Council. We must stop this group by voting the GOP out.
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 21:57:44 +0000

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