ATTENTION PEOPLE OF SPRINGFIELD: I apologize for this status - TopicsExpress


ATTENTION PEOPLE OF SPRINGFIELD: I apologize for this status containing a trace of malice and anger but I have plenty of reason. Also, I will also be apologizing for some foul language. Now get to the point. Not short of an hour ago, a cocksucker tried to steal my motorcycle from a Hobby Lobby parking lot. Need I remind you, it was only 2 oclock at the time and in broad daylight. It was a heavily populated area and no one tried to intervene. As I went to report my missing motorcycle to the Hobby Lobby manager, a customer that was leaving said she had seen the guy wheeling it to the side of the store and towards the mall. She also stated that she got back into her car(before entering the store) to keep an eye on this perk. I would like to believe that was also a good reason he decided to park it and leave it. He could have been leaving it to come back shortly with the proper tool. And Hobby Lobby does not have cameras so I would have been shit out of luck. I had already called a friend to head to the store and I was going to try to track him down. Luckily I did not find him, let alone with my motorcycle or a huge amount of anger would have been released. The motorcycle was found on the side of the HL building with no damages to it or any cut wires. The start button I had just put in broke off but that could have been due to the weak connectors. However, I gave it a kick and bam, still runs! I got lucky and didnt have mine stolen. But theres been a huge number of motorcycles stolen recently, even in broad daylight!! So all I ask is that if you see some sketchy character by a motorcycle, especially without any sort of riding gear, keep an eye on them! If you can confront them, do so. Ask for valid proof of ownership of the motorcycle. If they refuse, threaten to call the cops on them. If youre not confident enough to do so, tell a bystander or multiple bystanders. Bring the attention to the sketchy person. If you cant do that either, go inside the store where the motorcycle is parked and try to find the rider or get the store to page them. If anything, write down the make of the motorcycle/color/tags(if they exist)/anything that could help. Theres plenty of people who have put their hard earned money(not me per say) into their motorcycles and theyre getting stolen/damaged because of low life asshats. I could have caught the guy in the act if only that bystander had came in and had the store page me. But I am still grateful that she kept an eye on him and I should have gave her a hug for the help she could provide. It is nerve racking to come outside a store at 2:15 to find that something you own is missing. Please please please help us riders out because this is starting to get out of hand. With the closing of this long status, I am going to post recent pictures of my motorcycle. Do with them what you want, save them to your phone if youd like. As a closing statement, I am still VERY much pissed off so I will be blasting Usurper by The Handshake Murders to air punch out my anger. Ha
Posted on: Sat, 04 Oct 2014 20:11:39 +0000

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