ATTENTION: PLEASE READ IF YOU LOVE AMERICA, and IN GOD WE TRUST which is on the dollar and constitution for a reason, most did back before things started going downhill, and in my opinion we ALL should trust in GOD, he gave us the right to be the best, richest, most powerful, privileged, luckiest people in the entire world! OH YEA, should I mention the FREE part, free to do whatever within reason, like get rich, be unique, follow your dreams, just FREE to do what you please (for now at least)......and thank you from the bottom of my heart to the ones who make the sacrifices to keep America this way!--------------------NOW MY TAKE ON THIS ARTICAL AND OTHER THINGS, or shall I say downfalls...............first of all I am almost 30, but I remember a way better America when I was younger, we will always have problems, but this is getting out of control, and youre blind if you do not see he failure of America the great unless we change as a whole! ( I cant imagine how a 60 American senior citizen feels about how things are now!!! This is cray cray! the Government sure knows how to depress people, kick them when they are down, and make companies move over seas!!! { AKA-reason for many of the American unemployment problem }---------I wish someone would put respect and American values back into the Oval office, I wont bother to mention names of the one who is disgracing it now! DONT GET ME WRONG, not just one person is responsible for our nations current problems, but when you are a LEADER, please lead by example.....------------OK, OK OK-------NOW ill get to my view/ opinions.................. I know we need money to run the country, but taking 52.7% of your income, then taking a dollar or more in sales tax on every gallon of gas you buy in sales tax which is just an Example, I mean.....What is really going on, Change or Crash is one of the two things in Americas future, the Commander in Chief needs to stop taking so man vacations, have less Jay-Z and Beyoncé ball performances at the white house with our hard earned $, not to mention all the other billions wasted on pointless B.S. Ranting about it does no good, and I dont have a solution, but I can make a difference that many Americans choose to not exercise....... VOTE for someone with brains, not for leaders who give drivers license and benefits to illegal aliens, I mean WTH is really going on, which corrupt leader got rich off that? I hope for Americas sake we get some good choices this next election, and people choose their leader on what they can accomplish and change and fix, not because of color, the amount of $ they can raise for election, of if they are friends with celebs [which are people just like us], I hope the majority this net time around will be wise, not part of our further demise. Americans, remember most of God we trust, because to succeed we must, I just hope morals and values make a comeback, and people actually care enough to wave at a stranger again, and help each other, unite totally like after 9/11 [ but for good, not just let it wear off in time]........I pray for this, and I hope you do to, if not for this I at least you pray to God who is responsible for all, I am [by far] not a saint, at times I have been more of a sinner, but man has he looked out for me even when I by far didnt deserve to be helped. he always has plan, be patient, pay attention, and you will see his plan for you eventually, which Ive been told and have faith will come when you least expect it, and I have faith it will come........... As for America, I hope his plan is to keep us afloat, but he WILL NOT just do it for us, EVER, I believe it is earned, actually I know it is, he made us the greatest nation on earth for a reason, but my gut tells me it is not for some of the ones that have gone on lately, call me a proud republican, conservative, old school, or what ever else, but I am with the people like Regan, Teddy Roosevelt , F.D.R. , Ben Franklin, and we need another with their ability to lead like no other, I know it is not polite to judge, but if we keep going in the direction of the last 7 to 9 years we are just digging a bigger hole, I just hope we as a nation bring back the good days, good morals, values, and good nature that made me proud to say that I am an American, and in God I trust...... sorry about the rant but everyone needs to hear this, some need to realize these obstacles and many more factors/ problems that have to be dealt with, like I said, I dont have the solution, I dont think anyone does have the complete one, but trusting in God above, and then electing a leader that does the same, and sticking to the constitution [not changing or ignoring it] that has kept us Americans for all this time , and bringing back the ten commandments to school, also the pledge of allegiance back to schools and other public places s a huge start and change from the current situation we ALL as a nation are in, we are so lucky, SO LUCKY, I have seen nations like Honduras doing mission work there, and Americans dont realize, I didnt either till I went, id rather be homeless in America then be a middle class citizen there, God has blessed us, if you dont think so, then I think you are part of the problem, and i am entitled to my opinion just like everyone which is a blessing we as Americans take for grated, SO, I ask whoever reads this, will you be part of the problem, of help with making changes? I am willing to sacrifice for the greater good, are you? ------------------ please exercise your FREEDOM OF SPEECH and share if you agree and feel what / like I do these days, its getting kind of scary and sad and out of sync with the constitution these days! (sorry for any grammar errors or content mixed up, was in a rant/hurry! haha Americas ways these days, hurry, fast, faster, run, now, right? haha
Posted on: Sat, 23 Aug 2014 23:26:10 +0000

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