ATTENTION RESIDENTS, BUSINESS OWNERS, CHARITABLE ORGANIZATIONS, AND CITY OFFICIALS (or in the running to be :)). Please come out for Beer, Wine, Soft Drinks and Snacks for a Catalina Film Festival Town Hall Meeting: Tomorrow, Wednesday, March 26th at 6PM Hotel Metropole Conference Room & FREE FILM SOCIETY Short Films Night to follow meeting. SCREENINGS WILL BE RIGHT AFTER AT 7:30 PM CFF wants to better serve and involve the communitys needs with our monthly Film Society screenings and annual Film Festival and Film Institute events. TRUE FACT: With a 100% volunteer staff and team (not one person paid to date), we were able to generate 1.1% of Avalons economic stimulus last year; $1.1 Million in just 5 days ($2 Million over the past 3 years), 16.2 Billion Media Impressions World-Wide (20 Billion in 3 years), and tons of local Southern California exposure and photos that will last a lifetime... Festivals dont make much money compared to the stimulus they bring in, as theyre usually created as economic stimulus for a specific town, city or county to benefit from and bring in Media/Press that lasts the entire year to encourage tourism. And thats why we need you to help promote and protect this event all throughout the year. As an Arts and Entertainment Non-Profit Public Benefit Corporation, this event is yours, not ours. Some things the meeting will cover: - Our mission to help benefit, grow and share profits with Avalons local charities, arts & entertainment programs, school programs, and any other programs that may be in need (suggestions welcome). We have given scholarships to Avalon students to our Film Institute, and have held Free Monthly Film Screenings since 2011, but we are taking a hard look at the communitys economic loss with the Avalon Church Mouse Marlin Invitational, and can only hope to someday try and do what theyve done for the community. - Profit-share license-agreement for businesses with all Festival Merchandise (Hats, Shirts, Mugs, Collector coins, Celeb postcards/photos at festival, etc...) - sliding scale of a 75/25 split in your favor for year one. Generate extra revenue off of our brand. - Our House A Filmmaker program. With only 1200 beds on Catalina, its becoming more and more necessary to find housing on the island for our ACCEPTED filmmakers to come out and support their film showing in the festival. Linking filmmakers with island hosts that are willing to take them in their spare room, unit, and/or sofa bed. - Protecting Festival Week with hotel room blocks set aside for festival attendees that ordinarily get shut-off the island. - Vendor Village. Free tent space for non-profit presence at the festival and discounted rates for local businesses. - Our VIP/Celebrity Liaison program. Who better to trust with showing our honored guests around your island and get them to their keynote presentation or award show on time? - Our Catalina Film Fessport Program. What good are all these filmmakers, guests and Celebs if theyre not getting out of the theaters to enjoy the island? We want to develop a Fessport/Passport of Discounted menu items, merchandise, and/or any free giveaways to help get them into your restaurant, taking in attractions, or buying items in your store. Open to any and all suggestion you may have that either worked in the past or you think is a good idea. Please RSVP to let us know you will be attending at [email protected] - And please share this with other businesses, residents and city officials that may not have gotten this information. Feel free to come to both the Town Hall Meeting and our Film Society Screening, as they are both FREE to everyone who wants to come out!
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 23:52:56 +0000

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