ATTENTION: THE PHOTOS ARE NOT OF THE GLADYS PORTER ZOO, THEY ARE OF THE WESLACO FIELDS ON 18TH STREET, DO NOT BE CONFUSED. ANONYMOUS WESLACO CITIZEN: Please post anonymous. Thanks. Reading the comments regarding the parks in Weslaco from our city officials is very frustrating. On one hand, I understand that our City Manager wants to save money, but saving money by neglecting parks for years actually costs more money in the long run. Theres gotta be a balance. Thats like trying to save money by not getting oil changes. Case and point, the fields in 18th St. Park were neglected for years, and getting them to a respectable point will costs more money than if they had just maintained them. How many families do you know that go everywhere but Weslaco for baseball tournaments on the weekends. Thats money that could stay in Weslaco. Now, Rivera and Fox give a damn, really where the hell have you been your whole term? What a joke! And when is Oscar gonna be held accountable for the horrible job he does. Isnt he in charge of all parks and buildings?Funny how all the city can see the pathetic job he does, but keep the commission happy and keep your job. How bout getting someone in there that cares more about the city and its people rather than his power trip. And while Im on my rant, who the hell is in charge of the building at Gibson Park? (I wonder what political figures friend got that contract) And can someone fix a damn street around here! I love Weslaco and believe it can be a great city, but we need smarter, more ethical people in the right positions!
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 14:07:26 +0000

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