ATTENTION: WE NEED YOUR HELP: WE WERE ROBBED UPDATE: Queens Brooklyn and Long Island First and foremost thank you everyone that has helped ID the guy with the dog. I got at least 50 emails, messages and phone calls and all said the same name. But the guy with the white shirt is not known and we have not gotten an ID on him and he is the one that cashed the tickets. We need his identity now because I did not see the other one actually go into my car even though he is an accomplice we first need the guy with the white shirt so he can get arrested and than we can arrest the other one. Yes the cops did go to his house and I have not gotten an updated status on his questioning yet. But in the meantime we need your help to identify the guy with the white shirt inside the store cashing the tickets. I am going to post all the information regarding these low life scum so that we can all beware of them and their families. But until we get them both arrested I do not want to disturb the current investigation, but in time I will post everything you need to know about them. . The guy with the pit bull is very well known through Howard beach as being ass hole trouble makers. Not only that but it runs through the family because the whole family have been arrested for burglaries and robberies right inside Howard beach. If we do not stand up to these people we are going to have another white flight out of Howard Beach just like it happened in ozone Park because of crime inside our own communities. This is not crime being committed by outside people or races it is white trash that live right amongst us and we need to get them out of Howard beach. We must follow them through online social media and harasses them until they either change and go straight get arrested or kill themselves whichever is their way out of this. There is no feeling sorry for these low lifes they are stealing right inside Howard Beach and right out of churches. They are not good people. So we need to stick together and rid our neighborhoods of these scum that help make our communities unsafe and cause people to up and move because they are scared. So please post and repost share and re-share the pictures and videos and lets make them scared to walk the streets. Let everyone know who they are and where they live. Lets identify them and bully them the same way they bully us when they steal from us. Thank you everyone. (For those that do not know the story here it is again: On Sunday Night we stopped at Cold Stone on Crossbay Blvd in Howard beach to run out and get ice cream. We did a stupid thing. My friend left his wallet in the van and I left lottery tickets in the van with my 3 dogs. Thinking that the 3 dogs would bark and no one would go near the van I left it unlocked. At 9:15 PM 1 white male with a dog stood in front of the van and another white man appeared to come from across the street and walked in front of the van. What I did not realize was that they distracted my dogs while the other guy went in through the drivers side to steal the wallet and lottery tickets. WE HAVE BOTH OF THE GUYS ON VIDEO AND FILM. The idiots cashed the scratch offs and have been absolutely identified in the pictures as the ones that cashed my tickets. I cannot release any details as to how we zeroed in on them or how much or what was stolen but we have pictures. I am asking you to please help me identify these guys so that we can do something about this. You can email me or send me a private message. I am not asking anyone to do anything or sign anything or have anything to do with this case. We have an eye witness, video and pictures we do not need anyone but we need their identities for them to be picked up. If you have ever been robbed, burglarized or even had your car stolen you know what it is to be violated and you can only wish for the evidence I have amassed in 2 days. But I did, and we have it now we need names. So please I have never asked for anything from anyone but I am asking you to please help identify these 2 men. They took a lot of money and a lot of lottery tickets and than cashed the winning scratch offs. Thank you and if you want you can send me an anonymous email to rgse90@aol. All I want is names and if you have addresses that would be great. Whatever you can give me to help me identify these low lifes. Every little bit helps. They have a dog as you can see in the pictures look closely.)
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 03:42:48 +0000

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