ATTENTION!!! WILDCAT DEVOTION!!! ATTENTION!!! IN THE MEDIA CENTER AT 7:15AM!!! Spencer, Tori, Asia, Dakerhia, Kimberly, Sha, JT, Trey, Jermaine, Robert, Joe, Jason, Ellie, Austin, Austin, Tejah, Khamele, Jacorie, Jackson, Dawson, Johnna, Shimya, Louvesa, Johnnie, Johnny, Erireon, Andre, Ryan, Ronnie, Kalob, Domingo, Andre, Courtney, Kajayla, Amber, Erin, Faye, Kathy This weeks WILDCAT DEVOTION is brought to us from Spencer Terry! Drop Your Mess and Answer the Calling Luke 9:57-62 (NLT) • As they were walking someone said to Jesus, I will follow you no matter where you go, but Jesus replied, Foxes have dens to live in, birds have nests, but I the Son of Man have no home of my own, not even a place to lay my head. He said to another person, Come be my disciple. The man agreed but he said, Lord let me first bury my father. Jesus replied, Let the dead worry about the dead, your duty is to go and preach the coming of the kingdom of God. Another said yes Lord I will follow you, but first let me say goodbye to my family, but Jesus told him, Anyone who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is not for the kingdom of God. • The people who said they would follow were not named. The purpose of that is to show that they were regular people just like us, they werent some great prophet just average joes. •NOTICE: Both of these people desired to follow Christ just like most of us today. Most of us have a desire to follow Christ right? We all have that fire to do right and be used but we have the same problem these to people had.....we have a condition. We all have or had a condition. Whether it was an addiction or a person or small town gossip we all have had conditions. Their condition kept them from doing what God called them to do. That sound an awful lot like todays society. Our conditions hinder us spiritually to an unbelievable degree. Your condition can keep from ever fulfilling Gods will for your life. People soon realize this fact and decide that they can go both ways. They can please their flesh or condition during the week and serve God on Sunday. This cant be because God said in Revelation 3:16 But since you are like lukewarm water, I will spit you out of my mouth! In other words God said if you want to serve me then drop your mess let me deal with t and answer the calling or stay in your mess and stay out of the way of the kingdom. He said in the scripture let the dead worry about the dead. That means drop your mess leave it there and turn to me. In order to fulfill your calling you have to drop you mess. The only way to do that is to turn to God and give it all to him. If you do that and follow him whole heartedly he will reveal his plan for your life. Whatever happens though just remember that there is already a calling on your life. Everybody has a plan and a purpose in his kingdom. To rap it up simply God wants all of you or none of you. He dies the worst death in history so that you could be saved. He is more than deserving of our service. Give him your all because like he said, Anyone who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is not fit for the kingdom of God. We cant be a hypocrite. We all will make mistakes and slip up, but we cant live in our mess. Love you all praying for you and Most importantly God loves you.
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 00:44:00 +0000

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