ATTENTION folks with dogs that have/had ACL issues. We have an - TopicsExpress


ATTENTION folks with dogs that have/had ACL issues. We have an adopter who adopted a great dog a few years back. He has a torn ACL and she is desperately trying to do the right thing for her boy (we all do the best we can). I did mention that if it wasnt a full tear, possible healing can take place with laser, rehab and not surgery etc and this is her response which better explains his personality, her fear in waiting and fear in general. So we are reaching out to you all who have experience to find out what has worked for you and what hasnt in hopes of helping her make the best educated decision for her dog. She lives in Westborough MA so anyone with Vets they can recommend in that area that perhaps you have had an exceptional experience with would be awesome too. Thanks in advance!! xo “He’s the son I always wanted!” He at times can be light on weight bearing, depending on his activity level, the more activity he gets, the more he becomes lame. Our usual routine is 1-2 hours per day hiking in the woods where he tends to run for the hunt. He is so miserable being inside, truly depressed, he is a different dog once he is out. He has only been on leash probably half a dozen times in his life. He’s extremely obedient and never leaves my side accept for the hunt where he runs off and checks back with me in a few minutes then off he goes again. After his runs, he tends to be lame, only recently once or twice where he does not bear weight, hence my concern and visits to local 3 vets who have suggested the surgery. By the next morning, he seems to be better, but then the cycle begins. I really can’t break his heart and take him out of the woods, I truly mean it when I say he is a different dog when he is free to roam and be free. I myself have been recommended for surgery on my ankle but have put it off the past two years to assure his happiness, I just can’t break his spirit. I have not been given the options on Hydrotherapy, laser, PT. He’s not much of a swimmer, only to cool himself down, and we are always around lakes, so not sure if that would be a viable option. I would love to get advice from anyone and everyone, so if you want to put a shout out on FB, that would be very much welcomed and appreciated! TPLO seems so invasive but what I have read so far for a young large dog who is active it has shown long term success. Very expensive success ($3600) but I would do anything and everything to make him comfortable and happy. Here is a pic of him when we got him and now…love him to pieces!
Posted on: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 12:04:53 +0000

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