ATTENTION, ВНИМАНИЕ, اهتمام, DIKKAT, προσοχή, - TopicsExpress


ATTENTION, ВНИМАНИЕ, اهتمام, DIKKAT, προσοχή, atenção, AANDAG, Aufmerksamkeit,মনোযোগ, atención, tähelepanu, pozornost..... ATTENTION! ANOTHER UNUSUAL MIRACLE. If you are a killer or if you know a killer, PLEASE READ AND RE- POST. Thank you. There was only one thing that I truly regret in my life. I am usually never late, but one night I was late about two minutes for a Bible study and prayer with my brother in Christ Ricky Overtone. He was waiting for me in front of my building at 08: 00 p. m. As I said I was two minutes late, and as I was walking through my hotel lobby I saw brother Ricky through the window swinging around by the hand some man. Then as he swing him a couple of times, the man lost control and fell on the sidewalk, as brother Ricky set on top of him, holding his arm on a back lock. I ran out and asked him what was going on, on which he said shortly: “Let us get out of here!”; as he released the man and starter to walk way going towards the LA Mission. I fallowed him, but I was not able to understand what he was talking about, because at that time nothing made sense. Then the man who, bother Ricky swung around caught up with him and was trying to make peace with him, as he wanted to shake brother Ricky’s hand, on which he refused, and as he refused to do so, the mad man swung with his fist to hit him. Everything from that point on was going too fast for me, yet it was like in a slow motion. The man missed my brothers head. Then I saw brother Ricky singing back at him with his fist, but what I saw was beyond description. Before I tell you exactly what happened I want you to know that brother Ricky was much smaller on size then the perpetrator, and I know that whatever took place was not a human doing, but it was a miracle of God! As brother Ricky swung at the man, I saw him literary flying up about two feet from the ground. He flew up and fell backwards on the street landing on his head, which left him unconscious for a few minutes. While he was out cold on the ground, brother Ricky showed me a body of a tiny person lying on the street by the near by tree. It was a body of a woman whom brother Ricky was trying to defend from her attacker. I knew the woman by face. I had seen her so many times before sitting or walking on the streets of my town. She was a tiny Caucasian, woman whose face was covered with scars. She had lost her feminine apparel and looked more like a man. Poor lady, every time I saw her she was drunk, trying to drown her agony in liquor. My heart was broken, looking at her that night laying on the street motionless, among the trash, disfigured even more. The police and the paramedics came about shortly after brother Ricky had knocked out the man. It is hard to talk about this, because the day after we found out that because of the beating and the man stumping her with his feet repeatedly on the head, her brain had shifted and she died. The reason the fight begun on the first place was because she owed her killer money and because of it, he took her precious life. Brother Ricky and I had to testify in court about that gruesome event where we met with her sister. I will never forget their faces. The two sisters faces. The one who lost her life whose face was deformed and the face of the other sister was a face of an angel, beautiful with soft refined features. Before the paramedics took the body of the woman, brother Ricky and I prayed to God to forgive her of her sins and to be merciful towards her soul. Where did her soul go… What happened to her? Did she make peace with her Maker?… Many unanswered questions still engrave my heart with pain. What hurts the most is that she did not have to live the life she lived, and she did not have drown her sorrow in liquor. She did not deserve to die such gruesome death. This is not the plan of God for any man, woman or child. His plan is greater then any good plan you may ever desire for yourself or for the ones you love. His plan is that men to come to a godly repentance, to the knowledge and the revelation of His Son Jesus Christ and to be reconciled unto Him in His Love and His glory. I was sitting in the Court House looking at the face of the living sister. Her tears were precious in God’s eyes. He was moved by compassion, and He was healing her broken heart as He was giving me the utterance to minister to her His Word, and as He was giving her the power to forgive the killer. That day she forgave him with a pure heart and she was free from the bitterness and the iunforgiveness, which keep many people bound to death and eternal separation from God. The Good Lord liberated the hurting woman as He clothed her with His peace, and as He healed her heart. We all forgave the killer who got charged for the murder. We also prayed God to have mercy on his soul and to draw him unto Himself, and to save him. We were all free in the unconditional Love of God towards all men. That was an act of God. A miracle I will never forget. God is able to heal the ones who are with a broken and contrite spirit. I still see the face of the woman who lost her life. Let this be a memorial to her. Remember that no one deserves to be bound to anything of this earth, whatever that may be. Be bound by God, the Healer of all souls. Be the voice of the voiceless. Be the voice of all who have no voice to cry even to their Maker, because they do not know Him. Pain has become the god of billions of people. Pain has chained them in chains only God can brake. It is written: “People love darkness rather then light, because their deeds are evil, and they do not want to come to the light lest their deeds are exposed that they are not done in God.“ God has given us all a chance to chose between Life and death. Please chose Life, the Life He has commanded in His Son Jesus Christ.
Posted on: Fri, 19 Jul 2013 21:45:08 +0000

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