ATTITUDE Attitude is everything and I don’t mean having a bad - TopicsExpress


ATTITUDE Attitude is everything and I don’t mean having a bad one. We need to have an attitude of gratitude. I believe that our attitude toward a situation can help us or hurt us. As I was reading in Numbers, I realized that the reason the Israelites were in the wilderness so long was because of their bad attitude. All they did was murmur and complain. They couldn’t celebrate the fact they had just been freed from slavery. All they could see is how far they still had to travel. What the Israelites failed to understand is that there rebellion kept them in the wilderness longer than they had to be. God doesn’t like bad attitudes and He doesn’t like ungrateful hearts. He will gladly give you an ATTITUDE adjustment if you need it. Listen, there are negative things that will happen in life, but the idea is not to focus on the negative. We can find something positive in every situation if we look hard enough. Also, if we can see the positive side to a situation, we see hope that it can change. If we think negative then we are in bondage to our situation, but if we think positive, we begin to see that our situation/circumstances no longer control us. Begin to have an attitude of gratitude no matter what you face. Remember God is your refuge and your strength, a present help in the time of need. Romans 8:28 And we know that in all things God works together for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. You have to believe that everything is going to work out, some way, somehow. Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Him who gives me strength. If you put your trust completely in God, not in yourself, then He will give you the strength to endure it. Father, help me to keep a good attitude no matter what I face. Help me to focus on you, not my circumstances. Father, I know that you are able to take care of everything in my life, good and bad. I trust you to work it all out for my good and your glory, amen! Have a blessed day! ~~Michelle Thomas~~
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 10:45:08 +0000

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