ATTIUDE TOWARD MERCY PSALM 103:8 INTRODUCTION – How does the - TopicsExpress


ATTIUDE TOWARD MERCY PSALM 103:8 INTRODUCTION – How does the Bible define mercy? Vine’s defines mercy as – the outward manifestation of pity, compassion for the ills of others. Mercy is something we all desire when we are in need, but do we extend that same degree of compassion to others. Where would each one of us be if it were not for the mercy of the Lord? PSA. 103:8 - The LORD is merciful and gracious, Slow to anger, and abounding in mercy. The purpose of our lesson today is to come to a better understanding of what God’s word teaches in regard to mercy OUR ATTITUDE TOWARD MERCY – What do we need to understand about mercy in order to have the proper attitude? What does the Bible say about this important subject? I. GOD IS MERCIFUL – If God were not merciful there would be no plan of salvation, no scheme for redeeming man, there would be no Savior, and there would be no church of our Lord. A. GEN. 39:19-23 – From the very beginning of God’s word the scriptures point to the mercy of God. Mercy is available to us but as the example of Joseph shows we must be willing to submit to God to receive his blessings. There is not one negative thing spoken of in regard to Joseph in the Bible B. 1 CHRON. 16:34 – The mercy of God does not run out it endures forever. I.E. – Skinned your knee or elbow and find out you do not have any more ointment or band aids. You have just run out!!! God’s mercy does not run out. C. PSA. 136 – Many deny the mercy of God is clearly manifested in the O.T. The Psalmist here recounts the many times the mercy of God has been displayed for us as his people. I.E. – Well I am just too big a sinner, I am too far gone. There is no such thing in regard to the mercy of God. D. EPH. 2:1-7 – Listen carefully to the instructions Paul gives the brethren at Ephesus. He reminds them of the mercy of God. E. TITUS 3:3-7 – How do we receive the mercy of God? Thru the washing of regeneration. F. JAMES 5:11 – Many might be quick to point out that they cannot see the mercy of God in their life because they have so many problems. Why? No one here has more problems than Job faced and yet he was faithful he endured and as a result received the mercy of God. II. WE NEED GOD’S MERCY – Whether we know it or not we need the mercy of God in our lives. We are sinners we deserve death but God thru his mercy grants life. A. PROV. 3:3-6 – We need God’s mercy, we need the truth, we need to trust in the Lord. If we realize we need these things we will acknowledge his wisdom and follow his ways. It is very dangerous to become arrogant, puffed up and filled with pride. B. PSA. 41:4 – We need the mercy of God because we are sinners. C. PSA. 51:1-4 – Even when we become children of we are not exempt from needing his mercy. If we desire it we must ask for it. D. LUKE 18:9-14 – Who received the mercy of God and the forgiveness of their sins? The one who was humble enough to ask was justified. E. HEB. 4:16 – The Hebrew write exhorts us to come in boldness to obtain mercy. How often do we approach the throne of grace in prayer? When we fail to do so we become like the Pharisee who condemned the publican. III. WE MUST EXTEND MERCY TO OTHERS – God is merciful and most would certainly desire his mercy, but are we willing to extend mercy to others. A. MICAH 6:8 – God says he requires us to love mercy. It is not something that is optional it is something that must be part of our character as Christians. I. E. – Selecting a car – Sun roof, heated seats take it or leave it. All cars come with standard equipment. Mercy is standard equipment so to speak for a Christian. B. MATT. 6:14-15 – Being able to forgive others is a part of being merciful. What if God did not forgive us? What if he was not merciful to us? C. MATT. 18:23-33 – Who are we like the master who showed compassion or the servant who was not willing to extend mercy? D. JAMES 2:13 – We need to realize there are consequences for not showing mercy. E. LUKE 6:36 – Being merciful is commanded by our Lord. Are we merciful to others? The greatest way we can show mercy toward some one is by teaching the truth. CONCLUSION – God is merciful to us. Do we avail ourselves of the mercy of God? We must be merciful to others!!!
Posted on: Wed, 02 Oct 2013 06:02:25 +0000

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