ATTN: Be very wary of getting ANY flu vaccinations - TopicsExpress


ATTN: Be very wary of getting ANY flu vaccinations people! Today: From jimstonefreelance Flu shot spiked with KILLER virus The content of this Alex report was covered by my report Tainted Nightmare five years ago. This is well worth repeating, From Infowars (with excerpt from Tainted Nightmare inserted.) If anyone you are reading does not cover this angle of things, they have to be fraudulent because this is so well documented. Alex Jones: Flu Shot Spiked with KILLER Virus In March of 2009, pharmaceutical giants Baxter and Bayer attempted to infect the populations of 18 countries with a deadly laboratory-made bird flu which -- when introduced to sizable populations -- was certain to mutate and/or recombine with the non-lethal airborne seasonal flu virus in the vaccines which health departments of nations typically dispense to their citizenries. This means that the lethal, but non-airborne bird flu virus would become airborne to unleash a worldwide plague via the masses who are deceived into clamoring for the vaccine, their perceived agent of protection, which would have ironically been the agent of their demise. Insert from my August 2009 article Tainted Nightmare, for additional details Alex opted to skip: The first attempt In Feb 2009, Baxter, a major manufacturer of vaccines, sent the seasonal flu shot to 18 different countries with live unattenuated H5N1 bird flu. When the Czech company Biotest was assigned to test the vaccine on live animals for the Czech government, they realized something was wrong when the test animals died. The alarm went out to all others who had received it, fortunately before it was administered. Upon follow up examination of the vaccine the live virus was revealed, had no one caught Baxters tainted batch, we would now be in the midst of a pandemic with massive numbers of dead. Baxter was not prosecuted or punished in any way for this, even though their operational BSL3 (bio safety level 3) protocol would have stopped such contamination from being possible. The safety protocol, combined with the potency and volume of the virus in the shots clearly shows that the contamination was intentional, and that indeed an attempt to kill millions was stopped simply because ONE country paid attention to what it was getting. The protocol made it technically impossible for the virus to make the leap from the research department to the vaccine manufacturing department, which could never have had H5N1 show up there due to any reason other than willful intent. One would think that Baxter would have been put out of business for making such an error but the opposite is true, which begs many questions, such as how did the live bird flu end up in millions of doses of vaccine? Why were the ingredients of the vaccine formulated to allow the virus to survive fully potent en route? Why was Baxter not prosecuted or punished in any way? Instead of rightfully blackballing the company, the World Health Organization has rewarded Baxter with a contract to make a large portion of the Swine flu vaccinations set to be distributed world wide this fall. How on earth could that be? Back to Alex, for the rant: However, the eighteen victimized nations detected the lethality of this Baxter/Bayer trojan horse concoction, and voiced strong objections to this genocidal plot by big pharma. Today, a comparably malicious plot is likely being foisted upon the world. Judging by their past treachery, we can be sure that this deadly ebola virus has been concocted in a laboratory and was released by the same demonic perpetrators (sitting atop the pyramid of world power) who tried to murder us with the lethally spiked seasonal flu vaccine five and a half years ago. My comment: I am not exactly a fan of Infowars. His staff does him no real good. But when it comes down to what Alex does himself, it is FIRST RATE. Alex is NOT going along with the vaccine scam, something which should be noted. I do not believe Ebola is going around, but Alex has his perspective and when the end game is the same both ways (the way I see it and the way he sees it) it does not matter a whole lot what the delivery vector actually is.
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 01:50:43 +0000

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