ATTN: I AM WHINING AGAIN SO FEEL FREE TO SKIP AHEAD!!! One Therapy session down 3 more to go! Last session is the afternoon that Thursday, before Ortho re-evaluation next Friday @ 9:20; and then she, the specialist, will consult with therapists, radiology, Nerve Conduction & EMG so she can fully prepare for "whatever she has to do" once she gets inside my arm. Her words, not mine! Uh huh, shattered radial head with actual radius jammed OVER the ulna, with bone shards extending from head into synovial fluid of actual joint, yes there are a few floaters. And to be honest at this point? I am not even sure if the knuckle, of the elbow, is intact or cracked or what..... I do know I can feel the bones grating against each other when I try to straighten my arm.... and others can feel them THRU MY ARM below the elbow joint. Pissed off? In pain? Yea that too, because I sincerely think this could have been AND should have been handled a whole lot differently....mainly not making me wait 6 weeks for a fix and induce more pain. I wonder, and please if anyone has inside info or just concrete evidence from experience..... the 2 bones that are jammed one onto the other will now have to be surgically seperated,bone shards removed probably saw/suction and the radial head repaired either by replacement or pins screws etc....and hope the Ulnar ligament does in fact return to normal (no one knows if it is hyperextended or torn or pinched or what) but we do know there is "noticeable and pronounced" radial disruption. How? Because I had the ever lovely EMG Dr. ram needles into the muscles of my right arm, wrist to shoulder, so far and so deep I have bruises we could all play connect the dots with!!!! Whining is done, pain pills taken, hot wings and mac&chz for dinner. Gonna brew 1 cuppa and curl up with my kindle and a heat pack.
Posted on: Thu, 22 Aug 2013 23:31:08 +0000

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