ATTN TEXAS (SAN ANTONIO IN PARTICULAR) PATRIOTS: THIS IS LONG BUT ALSO LONG IN IMPORTANCE. SHARE THIS EVERYWHERE...POST IT ON TEXAS NEWS SIGHTS...WE MUST GET THIS STORY VIRAL.... Congressman Lamar Smith…It is time to hold a press conference and expose HUD Secretary Nominee / Sanctuary City USA Mayor Julian Castro and the lawlessness inside his corrupt city government administration that the San Antonio Express News, KABB, WOAI, KSAT, KENS and other local media organizations have covered up for many, many years. You can help us get the story out to national news outlets thus bypassing the local media “blackout” put in place to protect Castro and other corrupt city / county “leaders” and keep the money flowing. You were sent certified mail 7014 0150 0000 8803 4085 on June 9, 2014 informing you that your office has files and recordings proving that HUD Secretary Nominee / Sanctuary City USA Mayor Julian Castro and his corrupt administration are concealing massive long-term HUD fraud, bond fraud, theft of public funds, falsification of government documents, perjury, obstruction, grant fraud, accounting fraud, open meeting violations, Constitutional-Free Speech abuses, etc. The files and recordings show that Mayor Julian Castro, city attorney Michael Bernard (brother of White House Social Secretary Jeremy Bernard) and SAPD Chief William McManus used “the color of the law” to ban law-abiding whistleblowers from City Hall and public meetings under threat of arrest in violation of the Texas Open Meeting Act and other laws to stifle their reports of widespread, long-term corruption. The illegal, unconstitutional bans lasted almost four years while Castro and others participated in illegal city council meetings raking in hundreds of millions of State/Federal funds in violation of the law while City Auditor Kevin Barthold and others submitted fraudulent documents to state/federal agencies in an effort to conceal the fraud/theft. The documentation and recordings prove that HUD-OIG special agent Victoria Marquez, FBI agent D. True Brown and their superiors published fraudulent documents/reports in an effort to assist in the criminal conspiracy to conceal the “cooked books” and the fraud/theft involving many tens of millions of dollars over the years. The files show that Mayor Julian Castro, city auditor Kevin Barthold and the City submitted false financial information allowing HUD and the FBI to publish fraudulent reports including the report closing HUD-OIG investigation # HL-10-0465 that YOU had opened in 2010 stating that the City only misspent $648 when in fact tens of millions of dollars went missing or were misappropriated over the years. The files, documents and an hour-long recording show that agent Victoria Marquez, HUD auditor Michael Hall , SA Field Office Director Richard Lopez and their superiors REFUSED to interview material witnesses and discarded reams of evidence proving the criminal activity. Julian Castro with the help of the FBI and HUD submitted a fraudulent report to YOU, other members of Congress and taxpayers in HUD-OIG case HL-10-0465 to hide the fraud and protect himself and the Obama administration….this is a fact….YOU have the proof. Patriots ….Review my Facebook page for updates…..Contact Congressman Smith and demand that he holds a press conference, exposes the corruption/cover-up and calls for a criminal investigation. (202) 225- 4236 (210) 821 -5024 Thank you and God Bless
Posted on: Thu, 12 Jun 2014 22:44:18 +0000

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