AUGUST 11 Daily Might “Do you not know that you are the - TopicsExpress


AUGUST 11 Daily Might “Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?” (1 Corinthians 3:16). We ourselves are the very temple of God—you and me, His children who live with Him day by day and worship Him in our own hearts. God’s true Church has always been the body of believers, the fellowship of the saints, the assembly of the saints. The word “church” comes from the ancient Greek word ekklesia, meaning the called-out ones, or the separated ones. The church is not the building; it’s the people. Christian worship in the early days needed no buildings, no great temples built with hands of men, which could not contain God anyway (Acts 7:48). They worshiped Him in homes, in upper rooms, in basements, in the marketplace, beside the river, and in the forest under the trees—wherever they happened to be. And Christianity soon covered the earth because the apostles obeyed and went out. Instead of building buildings, they went out and built the true Church of Jesus Christ in the hearts of men, a temple built of “living stones,” as Peter calls us (1 Peter 2:5). God dwells within the human heart. Buildings cannot contain Him, but your heart contains the Lord Jesus Christ if you have received Him (Galatians 4:6). August 11 Daily Praise How precious it is to have the great freedom of knowing that there is no condemnation in You. Thank You that Your love and mercy are from everlasting to everlasting. Help me, Jesus, to be more like You—to see with eyes of faith the good, the pure and the lovely in the hearts of others, just as You look into my heart and choose to see only the good, the pure and the lovely. Though it may be buried beneath much rubble and cluttered by the cares of this life, You see the good and the possibilities that no other can see. You know they are there because You put them there, for You are the author of life and the source of every good and perfect gift, and the giver of good things to all Your children. For this alone—not to mention everything else that You do to show me Your love—do I love You and adore You. Forever and ever, I’ll be Yours. August 11 Words From Jesus Pressure vs. stress Pressure can be either good or bad for you, depending on where it’s coming from and how you deal with it. Sometimes a little pressure is just what you need to help you reach your full potential. But stress-mental, emotional, or physical strain that wears you out and gets you nowhere-is never good for you. If you’re feeling stressed, then something isn’t right. You’re either going about things the wrong way, or you’re looking at things the wrong way. The pressure situations I have designed for your life are meant to help, not hurt you-and they will if you handle them the right way. If they cause you to recognize your own limitations and become more dependent on Me, you’re sure to come out ahead. If they cause you to turn around and transfer that pressure to Me by asking Me to help carry the load, I will. I will also give you the strength, patience, wisdom, understanding, or whatever it is you need in extra measure so you can do your part. Together we can tackle any problem without you getting stressed. August 11 Somewhere beneath the rubble of every endeavor gone awry are the tiny seeds of wisdom. Dig for and plant these seeds, and a forest of mighty trees will grow to shade you from the scorching heat of your life’s midday, and to shield you from the howling winds of the world’s confusion. © 2004 Aurora Production AG, Switzerland
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 01:58:19 +0000

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