AUGUST 18 Daily Might Keep on believing. Many of us have gone - TopicsExpress


AUGUST 18 Daily Might Keep on believing. Many of us have gone through dry, desert-like experiences, wandering about in the spiritual wastelands of this world, feeling lost and seemingly separated from God. If you find yourself in such a state, instead of lamenting that you have somehow missed His will, keep on believing and praising the Lord. Encourage your faith with His Word. Repent of any wrongdoing and ask God to forgive you, so you can have another chance at His highest will for you. Then, like a bird whose pinion once was broken but now is healed, you may fly even higher than before. Don’t ever quit! Don’t ever give up! Don’t be discouraged! Maybe you missed the first opportunity, but maybe you haven’t missed the last one. Keep on believing, Jesus is near, Keep on believing there is nothing to fear, Keep on believing, this is the way Faith in the night as well as the day. —Milward Booth-Hellberg (1868-1953) Ask God for another chance, and He will send along another golden opportunity to encourage you and carry you along in the power of His Spirit to the glorious victory of your heavenly destination. Keep on holding on to His promises, and whatever you do, keep on going for Jesus! August 18 Daily Praise Thank You, Jesus, for my loved ones, whom I can enjoy close relationships with. Thank You, too, for the times when I don’t have anybody who I can feel close to. Even though it’s difficult, I know that You have a purpose in these times too. So thank You, Jesus, for the loneliness that I’m experiencing now, that I might have this special time with You. Thank You for how You take my broken heart and mend it with Your loving words. Thank You that in Your presence is fullness of joy. Oh, Jesus, You are everything to me! Thank You that when I feel lonely and my heart feels empty, You fill it with Your love. Your love, which is so vast and overwhelming, washes away the hurt. Thank You that You fill me so full that the emptiness leaves. I praise You, Jesus, for the love and comfort that You continually give. Your love and Your words continue to pour upon me in such great measure. It’s never-ending, it never ceases, and it’s unconditional. I love You, Jesus. I’ll love You forever. I want to always be by Your side. August 18 Words From Jesus Let My love fill you No matter how down you may be, if you are out of work and have an empty wallet or bank account, if you’re lonely or sick or have suffered personal loss, if war or hate or injustice or others’ indifference have chilled your heart, My love can change that. Let My birth and all that it heralded be remembered. Let My love fill you and give you purpose. Evils also plagued the world at the time of My birth and throughout My life on earth, but in the midst of such great darkness came the brightest light the world has ever known; amidst great suffering the greatest gift was given. My Father sent Me in the form of a weak and helpless baby to grow up and live as one of you and experience the same hurts you do, and to suffer at the hands of unjust men. I became one of you in order to save you. Let the truth and love that I brought shine in your heart now. Let Me wipe away your fears and tears. Let My love warm your life. August 18 Oil the machine of your life with prayer and it’s bound to run smoother.
Posted on: Mon, 19 Aug 2013 10:12:53 +0000

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