AUGUST 1st, 2014 Member of the month: NICOLE VITUG 1) Where - TopicsExpress


AUGUST 1st, 2014 Member of the month: NICOLE VITUG 1) Where are you from, what is your occupation, what hobbies/interest do you have outside of CrossFit? Im a Boston girl, originally from Mass. but now Im living in Jupiter, FL where I work as an administrative assistant at a doctors office. Other than crossfit, I love cooking, reading, running 5k races, the beach and spending time with my other half, Johnnie, family, friends and my two cats. 2) What got you into CrossFit? Coach P convinced me to try crossfit! I was working out at a commercial gym and I was looking for something a lot more challenging that would bring results. I checked out the Hustle Hard website after Coach P told me about it, liked what it was all about and signed up that day for the first available beginners on-ramp class. I officially started a couple of weeks before Thanksgiving in November 2013. 3) How has Hustle Hard CrossFit changed/impacted your life? Because of Hustle Hard Crossfit, I feel more confident and strong. I feel like I am able to do things I never would have before because of past low self-esteem issues. I was the awkward, chubby kid who usually got picked last in gym class. I struggled with my weight as I got older because of stress and bad choices with eating and drinking and lack of exercise. Since starting at Hustle Hard, I feel like Ive really made progress. Im incredibly proud of my transformation, both physically and mentally. 4) What about Hustle Hard CrossFit do you love? I love the overall atmosphere at Hustle Hard. The coaches are the best, they encourage you and give you that push when you need it. The members are friendly and welcoming. I may not be the strongest or the fastest, but its a great feeling to be cheered on while completing those last reps in the workout. I also like that the movements are scaled to everyones athletic ability. It gives me the drive to work towards the Rx workouts. 5) Your favorite CrossFit movement or wod? My favorite two movements are deadlifts and back squats. When I started, I could only back squat a PVC pipe, not even a barbell! Not to mention, I could barely sink into a full air squat during on-ramp. I can now do a 1 RM of 105lbs for a back squat. . I wasnt even close to deadlifting 100lbs when I started, however, I am now able to deadlift 155-165lbs comfortably. And Im still working to make the 200lbs club! 6) Your least favorite movement or wod? Least favorite movement(s)? Burpees, thrusters and the evil airdyne. And karaokes during warm-ups. 7) How does CrossFit helps you in your day to day life? Crossfit helps me with my day to day life in so many ways. Just to name a few, I have more energy and motivation to get things done. I definitely have a more positive outlook in general. Im usually a shy person, but with this new found strength and confidence, I find myself coming out of my shell more. 8) What if/any fitness, health goals do you have? I have an ever-growing list of fitness goals. Here are some things I want to accomplish: making it to the 200lbs club, as mentioned before, being able to do handstand push ups, mastering the art of kipping and pull-ups minus the band, box jumps (which Im very close to getting), eventually competing in a scaled womens crossfit competition and even further down the line, training to run the Boston Marathon. GREAT JOB NICOLE!! I am proud of you, you came a long way since that first wod. Keep up the good work and you will achieve everything you want. Coach P
Posted on: Fri, 01 Aug 2014 00:08:34 +0000

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