AUGUSTA, Maine — Gov. Paul LePage began his speech Sunday at the - TopicsExpress


AUGUSTA, Maine — Gov. Paul LePage began his speech Sunday at the Maine Republican Party convention by saying he was glad he wasn’t campaigning. He then proceeded to give to a friendly and cheering audience 25 minutes worth of remarks that sounded a lot like a campaign speech. “This November represents a real choice at the ballot box. Do you want to remain a sinking welfare state?” he asked convention-goers, who responded, “No.” LePage then asked, “Can we revive the American dream?” to which the audience replied, “Yes.” Maine’s governor also took specific aim at two men who are not current opponents of his. “Remember Eliot Cutler? He’s still running for governor,” LePage said to laughs. “He mocked me. He said I was pandering. But we did what Eliot Cutler and the liberal media said wasn’t possible: We passed the largest tax cut in Maine’s history.” LePage touched on a number of accomplishments of the Republican-controlled 125th Legislature and listed areas where he believes more work needs to be done. He spent the most time talking about welfare. “I understand welfare because I lived it,” the governor said. “I understand the difference between a want and a need. The Republican Party promised to bring welfare change. We must deliver on this promise.” LePage said the Legislature must summon the courage to pass structural changes to the state’s welfare programs. “Maine’s welfare program is cannibalizing the rest of state government,” he said. “To all you able-bodied people out there: Get off the couch and get yourself a job.”
Posted on: Sun, 20 Oct 2013 21:24:58 +0000

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