AUNTLANDAS INDEPENDENCE MESSAGE Someone asked me last night, - TopicsExpress


AUNTLANDAS INDEPENDENCE MESSAGE Someone asked me last night, Auntlanda, where is the independence party? Forgive me if I sounded a tad unpatriotic but my reply was Independence what? Which woman celebrates her freedom when her daughters have been missing for 170days. #BringBackOurGirls I have always been a fan of Nigeria( I even married a Nigerian) and I believe in her ability to rise above her plagues but today I weep for Her.Where are our girls? Bad roads, low standard of education and living, lack of standard medical infrastructure, Corruption and the likes have been managed by Her Citizenry but how do we manage the pain on Day170.Bring our girls home. Say a prayer for your daughters, Nigeria! Nigerians unite in a voice greater than your differences and ask God deliver our Girls. The time has come for their freedom. I have been a mum for 341 days and I cant imagine life without my son how can I truthfully say I know what the parents of our girls feeling. Its been 170days of horror! Calling them Chibok girls could brand them in ur subconscious as strangers from chibok but when the teeth hurts, the eyes cry and the feet wobble in pain.. We are connected to the girls. We are not free until they are free!!! I have and will not give up on Nigeria cos a giant has no business crawling. If compatriots will Arise and Obey Nigeria s call, eractic power supply wont be celebrated and Quality Education wont be for the rich only. I might not wear green today, but my heart is donned with prayers for Nigeria. I might nt have the Nigerian flag, but I believe in Nigeria. Our girls are missed and they are needed home. Say a prayer for Nigeria and remember Nigeria is just not a geographical location, you are Nigeria and the world is watching!!! Happy Independence and pray for the freedom we celebrate. #170 days. Love AUNTLANDA
Posted on: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 06:44:46 +0000

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