~~AUSSIE AND I ARE BEGINNING THE NEXT PART OF OUR JOURNEY~~ ~~TOMORROW we begin on a New Road of our Journey thru Life. !! There have been many twists and turns, rough roads, smooth roads, un-expected happenings along the way...but we must keep on moving....we cannot stop !! We have been in the Lovely Hostel here for 8 months. I Love it here and I know we are in the right place..!! But dear Aussie has Never felt at Home and always wanted to go back! But there is NO turning back !! His health has been a problem, with the Parkinsons disease becoming a real battle, and suffering severe depression, fatigue, etc. He can no longer manage to help himself, so is having higher care. With speech failing, and his brain causing confusion, it is very hard now to communicate !! He is asleep most of the time...even at the table, when he is brought to meals (in a wheel-chair) Has been on oxygen for a short time each day, for the last 3 days, and was x-rayed today.... So, after 62 years of married life...we have had separate rooms since moving here, and I daresay that has been a practice-run for what tomorrow brings !! Myself and our Family were asked were we willing for Aussie to now be moved into the Hosp. Nursing Home., which is all a part of this beautiful New Complex. I had felt it was almost time, for the past few weeks, and found that our family felt the same. Doc, the authorities, and all of us agree that it is right. ! SO, tomorrow is the Moving Day for my Aussie. !! He has not been told as yet, as it would be Very confusing to him !!...I would Value Prayer for us in this time of re-adjustment !! Aussie will be Well cared for by Nurses and the Docs, etc. I wont have too far to walk to visit him, which I trust will be daily. It is great that we are so connected with the Hosp, and the Nursing Home...Just step thru a door, and were there !!. I have waffled on...but, dear Friends, I am Glad that I have been able to share with you. Some of my F/B friends have known Aussie and I for many moons, and Rellies also, should know whats happening ! This will be the practice-run for when one of us leaves this old planet....Then our Travelling days will be over Hallelujah !! Thank-you, dear Friends, for your patience with me, as I pile all my stuff on my time-line... Believe me, my Time-line is my Life-line....it is a great balance, as my mind is too sharp to just do nothing... Besides, Ive got more to do yet !!!!! P.S. Tomorrow, Aussie is having his hair cut AND his beard has to GO now !! So ends my long story....just to inform you all. Bye for now
Posted on: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 11:57:20 +0000

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