AUSTRALIA SOUTH AUSTRALIAN LOST $ 2 MILLION IN 4261 TRANSACTIONS BY REMITTING MONEY TO FRAUDSTERS WHO OPERATES AS ONLINE SCAMMERS LAST YEAR OUT OF COUNTRY IN ONE CASE ONE AUSTRALIAN WENT TO MALI TO MEET HIS GIRL FRIEND INSTEAD KIDNAPPED FOR RANSOM FOR 12 DAYS AND INVESTIGATION FOUND OUT THAT 99 OUT OF 100 DATING SITES ARE HAVING FAKE DODGY OR BOGUS DATA JUST TO TRAP ANYBODY BUT MORE INTERESTING ONE AUSTRALIAN KIDNAPPED IN 2007 STILL LOOKING FOR LOVE ONLINE “Natalie” from Russia, has tried to entice scam victim Des Gregor. Read about his experience below. Source: The Advertiser DOZENS of South Australians are sending hundreds of thousands of dollars to criminals overseas, despite explicit police warnings that they are getting scammed. Modern technology has enabled international criminal gangs to increasingly enter the homes of vulnerable lonely hearts and worried police say many get so sucked in they continue to transfer money offshore even after they are tipped off to the scam. SA Police have revealed that of the 1060 people a special taskforce identified as potentially being scammed, about 150 continue to send money offshore despite their warnings. Operation Disrepair, launched in May last year to target those who may have sent money overseas after being targeted by online scammers, found that South Australians had lost more than $2 million in 4261 transactions. They sent more than 600 warning letters to potential victims and contacted 52 people in person. Detective Inspector Wayne Overmeyer, the acting officer in charge of the Electronic Crime Branch, said the operation was paying dividends — but not everyone police warned was listening. “Our efforts have proven successful, as about 69 per cent of those people contacted have now stopped sending money,’’ he said. “More surprisingly, we believe that about 150 people still continue to send money, despite warnings from police.’’ A special police taskforce investigating multi-million dollar bikie scams has seized hundreds of thousands of dollars in cash and property during raids from Brisbane to the Gold Coast. Criminals have preyed on lonely hearts since people began looking for love. But the explosion of modern technology has seen the opportunities for scammers skyrocket. Organised gangs from around the world can easily enter the homes of South Australians looking for love through the internet. Desperate to find their perfect partner, increasing numbers of people are losing their hearts, minds and money to smooth operators on the web, latest figures show. The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission received more than 2700 reports of dating and romance scams last year — a 14 per cent increase on the previous year. More than 400 victims admitted they had lost in excess of $10,000 each. Using fake photos and personality profiles the gangs — many based in Western Africa and Russia — not only fleece money thorough bogus stories, but also by using their victim’s private information to blackmail them. The ACCC said the scams were often elaborate, sophisticated and long running. “Scammers go to great lengths to gain your trust, spending months and even years building a relationship with you,’’ ACCC deputy chair Delia Rickard said. Australian Securities and Investments Commission deputy chair Delia Rickard. Source: News Limited “Once your defences are lowered, they spin an elaborate tale about how they need your financial help with a crisis, such as being ill or stranded, and ask for money.’’ Scammers, who are often part of international criminal networks, can pose a greater risk than just emptying your pocket, Ms Rickard warned. “Scammers have lured some unwitting Australian victims overseas, putting them in dangerous situations that can have tragic consequences,” she said. One woman from Adelaide told police she met a man on Facebook who claimed to be an American soldier serving in Afghanistan. Karen, who didn’t provide her surname, said the man detailed a plan to remove cash from Kabul and initially just asked her to store the money. Then the request for her to provide funds began and, over seven months, he conned her out of $23,000 before she accused him of being a scammer and he admitted he was from Nigeria — a country notorious for online scammers. “Be very careful about who you are talking to on the internet — any sort of web page,’’ Karen said. This time last year police also revealed a 48-year-old southern suburbs woman sent $80,000 to a man she met on Skype and lost another $400,000 to a “lawyer’’ who said he would recover the cash. Social analyst David Chalke said false lovers had been exploiting wealthy lonely hearts through the ages as people looking for love were particularly vulnerable. “People yearn for love and to be loved and common sense often goes out the window when they think they find it,’’ he said. A WA mother says shes shocked and heartbroken to have been scammed by an ultrasound imaging business that appears to have given numerous parents the same baby photos. “These days it is so easy to go online and more people — especially older ones — are doing this. “The internet is increasingly popular because it’s easier than going to a hotel or club or trying to and chat up someone at a supermarket. “People are used to doing transactions like banking on the internet and have become complacent, but lonely heart sites are not run by banks. “If you are a scammer you are going to look for vulnerable people and that’s where they find them.’’ WHEN Des Gregor received an email last week from a woman claiming to be from Russia with love his suspicions were aroused. After a terrifying experience at the hands of dating scammers, who lured him to Africa before kidnapping him for ransom, the former sheep farmer is very sensitive to the signs of another romance con. “There are certain giveaways — in this case “Natalie’’ wouldn’t answer questions about her family or what her hobbies are,’’ the 62-year-old Balaklava resident said. “Then the next thing she asks for money to help her to come out to Australia and you know it’s a con.’’ Mr Gregor says he is still looking for love online even after his 2007 kidnapping made news around the world. He was snatched and held hostage for 12 days in Mali when he went there to see his African girlfriend “Natacha’’, who he had met online. “That was the most frightening experience of my life ... I really thought I would be killed,’’ Mr Gregor said. The gang tried to get money from Mr Gregor’s family, who contact the Department of Foreign Affairs and the federal police became involved. More than 70 officers worked on the case and the gang were tempted with a bribe of about $2000 to temporarily release Mr Gregor, who then made his escape. The farm labourer believes the figures on dating scam victims and their losses was grossly under reported. “I reckon the police numbers are the tip of the iceberg,’’ he said. “Police only become aware of those people who approach them or they discover but there would be thousands of others in SA who are too embarrassed to come forward.’’ Mr Gregor still uses a dating website and he enjoys clicking on the “scammer’’ button supplied by the site when he rumbles another con artist. “But I still receive emails from girls like Natalie from out of the blue,’’ he said. “I don’t know how they get my email address but I’d say 99 out of 100 who contact me are dodgy.’’ Mr Gregor’s latest con artist contact involved “Natalie” claiming she was coming to Australia to complete a “dental degree’’. “She said she was going to be paid money to study here then the next thing she sends an email asking for money to help her over here.’’ Mr Gregor says he is sometimes told he is “destined for hell’’ when he knocks back approaches by scammers from Africa. “I’m happy to share my story with anyone if it helps prevent one person getting into trouble,’’ he said.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 03:09:17 +0000

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