AUTHOR ARCHIVE MYSTERY SIGNAL FROM ROSETTA COMET CONFIRMED BY EUROPEAN SPACE AGENCY WRITTEN BY DR MICHAEL SALLA ON NOVEMBER 11, 2014. POSTED IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY ESA Singing Comet ESA Singing Comet The European Space Agency (ESA) today confirmed that it was receiving a mysterious signal from Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. In a post on its live streaming website, it described the signal as a “mystery song” and uploaded a recording with the caption: “Hear our comet sing.” The confirmation follows months of rumors that the Rosetta mission was originally sent to explore a radio signal from the comet first detected 20 years ago. The November 12 landing of the Rosetta mission’s Philae probe will be live streamed to the world. The ESA’s surprise announcement hints that the significance of the landing may go well beyond the historic first of humanity landing a probe on a comet. Here is what the ESA said in its December 11 post: Rosetta’s Plasma Consortium (RPC) has uncovered a mysterious ‘song’ that Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko is singing into space. The comet seems to be emitting a ‘song’ in the form of oscillations in the magnetic field in the comet’s environment. It is being sung at 40-50 millihertz, far below human hearing. To make the music audible to the human ear, the frequencies have been increased in this recording… There was a media frenzy back on September 29 from a UFO Sightings Daily post titled: “NASA Records Radio Signals Coming From Comet 67P For Over 20 Years!” The author, Scott Waring, cited an anonymous ESA whistleblower who wrote in an email that the mystery signal was detected 20 years ago by NASA and this was the true reason behind the Rosetta mission. Waring and others making similar claims were criticized by many in the mainstream media who debunked the idea of a mysterious radio signal coming from comet 67P. Huffington Post writer, Michael Rundle, for example, wrote: If the comet is emitting radio waves, why has no one else been able to tune it?… If the radio waves were picked up by NASA, why did they leave the space mission to investigate to the European Space Agency? Well guess what? The ESA today confirmed that Waring was right and Rundle was wrong. The mystery signal is in fact “a song” being transmitted by the comet, presumably an oscillation in its magnetic field according to the ESA. The ESA did not say when it first recorded the song, but it does lend plausibility to the claims of the anonymous ESA whistlelower. The big question now is whether the song is a random composition of nature as the ESA implies, or was created by an extraterrestrial intelligence. A September 10 photo from the Rosetta mission showed what appeared to be a radio tower and a possible UFO on the surface of Comet 67P. The photo was one among others held by the ESA that the anonymous ESA whistleblower referred to as revealing some of the mystery behind Comet 67P. Could the alleged tower be the source of the mystery signal, and does the UFO suggest an extraterrestrial intelligence is involved? If the mystery signal today confirmed by the ESA was detected 20 years ago and led to the Rosetta mission, then it stands to reason that NASA and ESA believed that the signal was more than a random composition by nature. If extraterrestrials are wanting to announce themselves to a disbelieving world, transmitting a beautiful song from a remote comet does appear to be an elegant form of First Contact. © Copyright 2014. Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. FURTHER READING: Rosetta comet radio signals and UFO claims spark controversy New scientific study claims extraterrestrial fossil found in Sri Lanka meteor Russians find extraterrestrial microbes on International Space Station Extraterrestrial fossils found in meteorite according to scientific team (Photos) NASA scientist claims conclusive proof of extraterrestrial life Continue Reading No Comments UFO DISCOVERED COLLECTING ENERGY OF SUN ON NASA LIVE FEED WRITTEN BY DR MICHAEL SALLA ON NOVEMBER 10, 2014. POSTED IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Dyson Lens and Sun Dyson Lens and Sun Over a four day period up to November 9, NASA’s Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) detected a strange area near the sun where solar activity was apparently being deflected or absorbed by an invisible object. According to two independent solar researchers in videos uploaded to Youtube on November 9 (see here and here), the affected area was due to a giant shield created by a UFO to protect itself from the sun’s energy. An alternative explanation is that the immense spherical lens shaped field was part of an advanced technology based on the principle of a “Dyson Sphere.” NASA’s SOHO images appear to be evidence of the sun’s energy being absorbed by a gigantic lens shaped solar collector whose approximate size is a mind staggering five times the sun’s diameter! The solar images used to identify the alleged “UFO shield”or solar collector can be publicly downloaded from SOHO’s Large Angle and Spectrometric Coronagraph (LASCO). Video data from the LASCO C2 (orange) and C3 (blue) reveals that from November 6-9, an area to the lower right of the sun appears to not have any solar activity while areas around the rest of the sun do so. Either the sun’s energy is being deflected back from the region by a “UFO shield” or absorbed by a giant lens of tremendous size – dwarfing the sun in comparison. The sheer size of the affected area, suggests that the hemispheric object was designed to absorb solar energy towards, rather than deflecting it away from, a UFO at the center of the hemisphere. A close inspection of the LASCO C2 (orange) film footage, in particular, suggests the sun’s activity is actually being absorbed, rather than deflected, by a giant hemispheric lens of some kind. The idea of an invisible giant hemispheric shaped solar collector is consistent with the development of a new generation of solar panel collectors that are spherical in design and use glass. One of these is called the “Rawlemon Spherical Solar Energy Generator” which is described as follows: … the Rawlemon design uses a spherical lens to concentrate sunlight on a small photovoltaic panel and combines this with a dual-axis pivot that tracks the movement of the sun. According to the designer the transparent sphere is able collect and concentrate diffuse where traditional devices cannot and as well as providing an efficiency boost, they can be used in far more locations than their flat, fixed counterparts. It’s also claimed that by concentrating the sun’s light in one area, the Rawlemon design reduces the solar cell surface required to just 1 percent of that required by a traditional panel. Could something similar to the “Rawlemon Generator” be designed on a much larger scale for collecting solar energy by an advanced extraterrestrial civilization? According to Freeman Dyson, a celebrated astrophysicist, a Type II extraterrestrial civilization would have the advanced technology to harness solar activity on a grand scale. A Dyson sphere, for example, could be constructed around a sun to collect solar energy in ways similar to how humanity harnesses hydro power, through water channels and dams. While a Dyson Sphere is theorized to be big enough to encircle a sun, similar principles could be used for a giant “Rawlemon Generator” type solar collector where a spherical glass lens could be pointed towards a sun. This can be best described as a “Dyson Lens.” In an earlier live NASA streaming incident from August 2014 involving the STEREO A satellite, a UFO with an apparent spherical lens trailing behind it, is moving past the orbit of Venus. The UFO appears to be using the lens, which is approximately four times the diameter of Venus, to absorb the sun’s energy over a six day period from August 3 – 9. The August incident provides stunning video evidence of what appears to be a “Dyson Lens” being used by a UFO belonging to a Type II extraterrestrial civilization. It supports the evidence that the object captured by SOHO over the August 6-9 period is in fact a highly advanced solar collector as much as five times the sun’s diameter. Over the last decade, live streaming from NASA and other national space agencies has provided remarkable evidence that we are not alone in the universe. UFOs have been regularly photographed and filmed in close proximity to the International Space Station, Moon, Mars and other celestial bodies, Rarely, however, has live streaming video captured evidence that answers the question, how advanced is the technology used by UFOs? Do we now have compelling data to answer this question? Is the answer much more than we ever bargained for, and preparing us to think in much bigger terms with our future inevitably leading to contact? © Copyright 2014. Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. FURTHER READING Moon size UFO near sun may be evidence of Type II alien civilization Another UFO on NASA live stream suggests ISS is under alien observation Crop circle accurately predicts solar storms Continue Reading No Comments ACCESS TO CLASSIFIED UFO FILES BEHIND JFK ASSASSINATION ACCORDING TO NEW VIDEO WRITTEN BY DR MICHAEL SALLA ON NOVEMBER 7, 2014. POSTED IN EXONEWS Third Phase of Moon Kennedy Assassination.700 Third Phase of Moon Kennedy Assassination.700The upcoming 51st anniversary of President Kennedy’s assassination and its connection to classified UFO files is discussed in a new video released by Third Phase of Phase on November 6. The video, “UFO Sightings MJ-12: The Presidents Last Stand,” proposes the general public is opening up for the first time to the possibility that Kennedy had a genuine interest in UFOs and that this played a role in his assassination. Using historic documents – both those released through the Freedom of Information Act and those leaked unofficially by whistleblowers – it is proposed that Kennedy tried a number of different initiatives to gain access to classified UFO files. With a subscriber base of almost 200,000, the Third Phase of Moon video introduces a radical new perspective on the Kennedy Assassination to the US and world public. The Third Phase of Moon video uses a combination of new film footage taken on the Big Island of Hawaii with the writer wherein my 2013 book, Kennedy’s Last Stand is discussed, and archived footage of a 2009 lecture wherein documents concerning Kennedy’s efforts to gain access to classified UFO files are discussed. The video begins by discussing President Kennedy’s experiences in Post War Germany where he was a guest of the U.S. Secretary of Navy, James Forrestal, and toured captured Nazi UFO technologies. Kennedy’s war time knowledge of UFOs played a key role in his interest in gaining access to classified UFO files closely safeguarded by the CIA’s counter intelligence division, and a secretive organization called Majestic-12. Kennedy’s efforts to do an end run against the CIA’s refusal to share classified UFO files is discussed, along with his efforts to gain access using his Commander in Chief powers when visiting U.S. military facilities. It is claimed that Kennedy shared some of the UFO secrets he had discovered with Marilyn Monroe. Monroe’s estrangement from Kennedy and attempt to reveal his UFO secrets through a planned Press Conference, is claimed to have played a direct role in her August 1962 death. The Third Phase of Moon video finishes with Kennedy’s historic September 20, 1963 initiative announced at the United Nations General Assembly to collaborate with the Soviet Union in joint space and lunar missions. It is proposed that Kennedy’s space cooperation initiative was driven by a desire to have classified UFO files shared between the respective bureaucracies of the US and USSR. This would have eventually ensured direct Presidential access to classified UFO files and programs. When it became clear on 12 November 1963 – after Soviet Premier Khrushchev finally accepted Kennedy’s space cooperation initiative – that Kennedy might succeed, a secret assassination directive called “Project Environment,” was implemented by the head of the CIA’s counter intelligence division. Ten days later, President Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas. Further Reading Robert Kennedy concluded rogue CIA assassinated President Kennedy More CIA documents confirm validity of leaked Monroe JFK UFO document Kennedy’s Last Stand: Roots of JFK Assassination lie in what he saw in 1945 Continue Reading No Comments HAWAII LAVA FLOW TO FACILITATE FIRST CONTACT ACCORDING TO EXTRATERRESTRIAL MESSAGE WRITTEN BY DR MICHAEL SALLA ON NOVEMBER 1, 2014. POSTED IN GALACTIC DIPLOMACY First-contact First-contact On October 31, an alleged communication was released from an extraterrestrial group calling itself the Intergalactic Board of Council regarding the Puu Oo lava flow in the Puna region of the Big Island of Hawaii and its connection with First Contact. Major national news outlets have covered the lava flow which is poised to cut through the town of Pahoa, and flow soon after over Route 130, the major roadway connecting lower Puna to the rest of the Big Island. If the lava flow continues on to the ocean, which is a distinct possibility, the only access to the lower Puna region will eventually be through Chain of Craters road which is currently being rebuilt in case Puna is cut off. Chain of Craters road runs through the Volcano National Park which puts it under U.S. Federal jurisdiction in terms of who will have access into and out of lower Puna. This is a significant fact when it comes to the possibility that lower Puna will be a location where extraterrestrial First Contact will allegedly occur, making possible the creation of a model society for the rest of Hawaii, and the planet. First it will be useful to explain a little about the Intergalactic Board of Council which has previously issued what it calls “communiques” through Gesanna, an individual chosen by the Council as their “oracle.” The October 31 communication is the 20th in series that began in early 2013, and is available for free on the website, Contact2Ascension. The messages have been psychically received by Gesanna, either through automatic writing or telepathic means. In a previous article I have commented on the importance and relevance of Gesanna’s communications which are worth considering, especially given what is happening with the Puu Oo lava flow and the changes it is bringing to the lower Puna region. The October 31 Communique begins with Gesanna receiving information regarding the flow and how it will impact on her own home which is in the projected lava path. The communique claims that while a secret government cabal has been trying to influence the lava flow through technological means, the flow is essentially being directed by natural Earth changes, which for native Hawaiians is represented by Pele, goddess of volcanoes. The end result has been foreseen by the Intergalactic Board of Council as lower Puna being eventually cut off, and becoming an island within an island. This is where things become interesting since the Council claims that it will play a role in First Contact happening, and lower Puna becoming a model society for the rest of the planet to emulate as it sees fit. It is worth pointing out that by “First Contact,” what is meant is that contact with extraterrestrial visitors occurs for a whole community, that is then able to transmit this information through modern communication technologies to the rest of the planet. While contact with extraterrestrials has been occurring since the Second World War era, this has always happened with select individuals that have been deliberately discredited, and/or secret government organizations that have kept such information highly classified. The planet’s population has been kept largely ignorant of these previous extraterrestrial contact events which are described in the book, Galactic Diplomacy: Getting to Yes with ET. Consequently, events predicted to occur in lower Puna represent a First Contact event that potentially impacts the whole planet. The October 31 Communique also mentions other significant recent developments such as the creation of a Hawaii Star Visitor Sanctuary in the lower Puna area called Kalapana. The Intergalactic Board of Council says that the Sanctuary will be the primary location for First Contact to occur. What makes the Council’s message especially significant here is that the dedication and opening ceremony for the Hawaii Star Visitor Sanctuary occurred on June 27, 2014. That very evening, some of the more than 200 people who attended the ceremony saw major flashes of light at the Puu Oo crater, which is a major vent of Kilauea Volcano. Those flashes of light were the start of the new lava flow currently affecting Puna which was named by the U.S. Geological Survey, the June 27 lava flow. This is a remarkable fact. It is more than coincidental that a major lava flow affecting the entire Puna region occurred the same day that a Sanctuary aiming to facilitate First Contact was dedicated and opened. Click Map to Enlarge Click Map to enlarge for area to be cut off by June 27 lava flow Significantly, the only access road into the lower Puna region, if and when it is cut off, Chain of Craters road, will be controlled by U.S. Federal Government authorities through the National Parks Service. This prediction really impressed me when reading the latest Intergalactic Board of Council communication. The National Park Service had indeed already announced that it will limit access to Chain of Crater’s road, once it is open, to lower Puna residents only. If First Contact was to occur in Kalapana, lower Puna, then it would be predictable that elements of the U.S. Government would want a means of exerting influence over what they would probably regard as an “experiment.” If the Intergalactic Board of Council is correct in its predictions that lower Puna is destined to be cut off, and First Contact will occur there, then that will certainly create the conditions for a model society to be created. Such a society could indeed transform the rest of the Hawaiian Islands, and eventually the planet. Many of the predicted events in this latest Council communication are yet to happen, but it is worth keeping these in minds as the June 27 lava flow slowly winds its way to whatever its final destination. If the lava flow does indeed cut off lower Puna, and it becomes an island within an island, with remote access, then it would be feasible for extraterrestrials to make open contact for the first time with an entire community. First Contact would not only transform the people and area of lower Puna, but the rest of the planet. © Copyright 2014. Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. AUTHOR UPDATE: 11/1/14. After posting the above article, I was alerted to the following video which elaborates on similar ideas and has more graphics of what is described in the article. It is independent confirmation that the First Contact scenario described in the article has already begun manifesting in the collective consciousness of humanity. FURTHER READING Kingdom of Hawaii approves protocols for extraterrestrial contact It’s official – extraterrestrials can now land at Hawaii UFO Sanctuary Reinstated Kingdom of Hawaii to create extraterrestrial visitor sanctuary From Contact to Ascension: extraterrestrial contact as a prelude to universal ascension Continue Reading No Comments POPE ENDORSES EVOLUTION OF ALIEN LIFE & UFO ACTIVITY AS PART OF GOD’S PLAN WRITTEN BY DR MICHAEL SALLA ON OCTOBER 28, 2014. POSTED IN RELIGION Pope endorses evolution of ET life Pope endorses evolution of ET life In a statement before the Pontifical Academy of Sciences on October 27, Pope Francis I endorsed the view that extraterrestrial life – which he refers to as “beings of the universe” – has evolved in ways that is consistent with the plans of “God the creator.” He explained how the Catholic Church views the Big Bang and evolution as scientific processes underpinned by “the plan of the creator.” Pope Francis has officially moved the Catholic Church away from the idea of “God the creator” as a magician or demiurge creating the universe in an act of omnipotence over six days, to a more scientific view that God works mysteriously behind the scenes planning the evolution of life on Earth and the Universe. The Pope’s statement reveals his view that intelligent extraterrestrial life has evolved in a manner that is consistent with “the plan of the creator,” thereby making it possible for extraterrestrials to act in ways that further this plan. The Pope’s statement is a surprising endorsement of the view that the activities of intelligent extraterrestrial life in the universe can be part of a universal plan by “God the creator”. Consequently, Pope Francis’s statement is preparing the Catholic world that extraterrestrial life visiting our world in UFOs may be part of “the plan of the creator.” Pope Francis began his remarkable statement by first dismissing the simplistic idea behind creationism where God created the universe in six days and nights: When we read in Genesis the account of Creation, we risk imagining God as a magician, with a wand able to make everything. But it is not so. He instead endorsed the more evolutionary friendly view that “God the creator” mysteriously works through nature: God and Christ walk with us and are also present in nature… the scientist must be motivated by the confidence that nature hides, in her evolutionary mechanisms, potentialities for intelligence and freedom to discover and realize, to achieve the development that is in the plan of the creator. The Pope went on to discuss the evolution of intelligent extraterrestrial life which he referred to as “beings of the universe”: He created beings and allowed them to develop according to the internal laws that he gave to each one, so that they were able to develop and to arrive and their fullness of being. He gave autonomy to the beings of the universe at the same time at which he assured them of his continuous presence, giving being to every reality. And so creation continued for centuries and centuries, millennia and millennia, until it became which we know today, precisely because God is not a demiurge or a magician, but the creator who gives being to all things. The Pope’s statement explicitly endorses the view that intelligent extraterrestrial life may have evolved on many different worlds, and achieved a “fullness of being” and “autonomy” that makes them vital parts of “the plan of the creator.” This suggests that the activities of intelligent extraterrestrial life throughout the universe can be supported by the Catholic Church as consistent with the plan of “God the creator.” It is important not to underestimate the magnitude of the Pope’s statement since it supports radical ideas of intelligent design such as extraterrestrial intervention in human history may be part of “the plan of the creator.” For example, researchers such as Zecharia Sitchin and Arthur David Horn have claimed that genetic manipulation by intelligent extraterrestrials has occurred on early earthly life forms and primates. This radical version of intelligent design is now compatible with Catholic Church teachings according to the Pope’s statement. Furthermore, the ubiquitous UFO phenomenon that suggests extraterrestrial life is visiting and interacting with our world, may also be part of the plan of “God the creator.” The Pope’s October 27 statement is evidence that the Catholic Church is preparing the world for major developments concerning the existence of intelligent extraterrestrial life. © Copyright 2014. Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. FURTHER READING Vatican preparing statement on extraterrestrial life Vatican prepares for extraterrestrial disclosure Pope Francis to announce extraterrestrial savior according to new book Will Vatican declaration of an alien savior spark a religious war? Continue Reading No Comments DID NASA TRY TO HIDE UFO WATCHING SPACE X DRAGON DEPARTURE FROM ISS? WRITTEN BY DR MICHAEL SALLA ON OCTOBER 26, 2014. POSTED IN EXONEWS NASA covering up UFO NASA covering up UFOOn Saturday morning, October 25, the Space X Dragon detached from the International Space Station (ISS) as it began its return mission to Earth carrying various cargo items. In NASA’s video footage of the Dragon departure, uploaded the same day to Youtube, a small luminous UFO is apparently monitoring the detachment and start of Dragon spacecraft’s return which conducts three burning maneuvers near the ISS. Video analysis of NASA’s coverage of the incident was conducted by Third Phase of Moon that clearly identified the UFO. Furthermore, Third Phase of Moon makes the remarkable claim that NASA deliberately tried to hide the UFO as it monitored Space X Dragon’s departure. In the raw footage of the incident provided by NASA, it is hard to identify the UFO which is a small light just above and to the right of the Dragon spacecraft. According to Third Phase of Moon, this is because NASA zoomed out from the Dragon craft as soon as the UFO appeared nearby. After NASA’s raw footage is subjected to video analysis through zooming and light contrasts, the UFO becomes clear. Was NASA’s zooming out at the moment the UFO first appeared merely coincidental; or, as Third Phase of Moon claims, a deliberate attempt to cover up the UFO? The Space X Dragon incident follows only three days after another small luminous UFO appeared near the ISS, this time during a spacewalk by two Russian astronauts. The UFO was very clear and appeared to maneuver near an object jettisoned by the astronauts. A day before, on October 21, two cigar shaped UFOs appeared near the ISS. In another incident on October 7, an elliptical UFO appears nearby another spacewalk by two astronauts. The October 25 incident suggests that once again, a UFO has been filmed apparently monitoring ISS activities. If NASA was trying to cover up the latest UFO incident, this may be part of a deliberate policy of countering the frequent appearance of UFOs near the ISS that might lead the public to conclude that we are not alone. FURTHER READING Is a UFO monitoring astronauts during ISS space walk? Two cigar shaped UFOs appear near the International Space Station Did NASA live video capture extraterrestrial life during spacewalk? Is a giant cigar UFO hovering near the International Space Station? Continue Reading No Comments DID NASA LIVE VIDEO CAPTURE EXTRATERRESTRIAL LIFE DURING SPACEWALK? WRITTEN BY DR MICHAEL SALLA ON OCTOBER 23, 2014. POSTED IN EXONEWS, SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY space bug near ISS space bug near ISSOn October 22 during a spacewalk by two Russian astronauts, the International Space Station (ISS) live feed showed a luminescent UFO briefly fly nearby. The astronauts had just jettisoned two parts of the ISS that had been removed, and the live feed showed the objects slowing falling towards the earth. As the second object is jettisoned, the UFO appears and briefly maneuvers near it. The luminescent UFO does not appear to be space debris as it clearly changes direction several times. It appears to be under intelligent control suggesting either a luminescent life form indigenous to outer space, or an extraterrestrial vehicle of some kind. The first possibility of an extraterrestrial life form that can survive in outer space was suggested in a brief video analysis of the UFO conducted by Third Phase of Moon. It was proposed that the UFO was some kind of insect. The idea of space bugs existing in outer space received a boost on August 19, 2014 after Russians scientists announced the results of a yearlong study of a strange substance that had been obscuring the windows of the ISS that had been collected by astronauts during a prior spacewalk. Russian scientists announced that the substance was a form of sea plankton growing on the windows of the ISS. Flying at an approximate altitude of 200 miles, it is extremely unlikely that sea plankton could be carried so high by air currents. Nevertheless, the sea plankton on the ISS was growing, suggesting that it was a form of plankton indigenous to outer space rather than carried into space from the Earth’s surface. Another possibility is that the luminescent object is an extraterrestrial spacecraft. If so, it would be yet another incident of spacewalking astronauts being monitored by extraterrestrial craft. October 7 was another incident of spacewalking astronauts being captured on the ISS live feed with a UFO nearby that appeared to be observing ISS activities. The UFO was elliptical in shape and stationary relative to the ISS. The ISS live feed is clear evidence that something other than space debris was briefly captured on video during a spacewalking mission. The video is very suggestive of some form of indigenous space life, or an extraterrestrial vehicle, closely monitoring the ISS and the spacewalking astronauts. © Copyright 2014. Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. FURTHER READING Russians find extraterrestrial microbes on International Space Station Is a UFO monitoring astronauts during ISS space walk? Is a giant cigar UFO hovering near the International Space Station? Two cigar shaped UFOs appear near the International Space Station Continue Reading No Comments TWO CIGAR SHAPED UFOS APPEAR NEAR THE INTERNATIONAL SPACE STATION WRITTEN BY DR MICHAEL SALLA ON OCTOBER 22, 2014. POSTED IN EXONEWS, GALACTIC DIPLOMACY 2 UFOs near ISS 2 UFOs near ISS Newly released video from the International Space Station’s (ISS) Live Stream shows what appears to be two cigar shaped UFOs near the ISS. The UFOs briefly appear in the video stream before there is a signal interruption. When the live stream resumes the UFOs are gone. The incident was uploaded to Youtube on October 21 and has already begun generating much discussion. It is difficult to estimate the size of the UFOs but previous sightings of similar cigar shaped objects have been estimated to be aircraft carrier sized, big enough to host smaller UFO craft. Leading astronomers and astrobiologists are now telling us that the cosmos is teeming with exoplanets capable of hosting intelligent life, and we need to prepare for its discovery. This leads to the question, are extraterrestrial ships monitoring the ISS? The latest video incident follows a string of UFOs being captured by the ISS live stream. On October 7, a UFO appeared near two space walking astronauts. The object was also elliptical or cigar shaped, and appeared to be monitoring the ISS. On January 29, 2014 the live stream showed a yellow elliptical UFO that appeared to actually have docked with the ISS. This raised remarkable possibility that the ISS was being visited by unknown astronauts from a classified military program, or even extraterrestrials. The main objection against past UFO sightings captured on the ISS live camera feed is that these are lensflares caused by the sun or a strong light source nearby as it hits the camera lens. In the live video feed of the two cigar shaped UFOs, there is no significant change in the ambient light as the UFOs slowly appear in the video. If the UFOs were caused by a lensflare, then their appearance would be marked by a clear change in the ambient light. Nor do the UFO appear to be natural phenomena occurring in the Earth’s atmosphere or surface. If the two UFOs are not caused by a lensflare, camera malfunction or other natural phenomena, what are they? The UFOs may be intelligently guided cigar shaped spacecraft that have been reported by military and government whistleblowers to be very large in size. One possible explanation is that they belong to a secret space fleet. Another explanation is that the UFOs are extraterrestrial in origin. As far back as the early 1950s, cigar shaped UFO have been regularly sighted and photographed. The most famous photographs were taken by George Adamski who filmed smaller scout ships emerging from larger cigar shaped UFOs near the moon. In a related 1952 incident, Adamski and six witnesses claimed to have sighted a large cigar shaped UFO fly overhead. It was soon followed by a smaller “scoutcraft” that landed near Adamski, who met the extraterrestrial pilot. The International Space Station’s live camera feed continues to capture strange nearby objects through its various external camera systems. Some of these objects might be explained away as lens flares or natural phenomena. Not so however for all other incidents that likely include the two cigar shaped UFOs captured on October 21. If these two UFOs are under intelligent control, they could be spacecraft from a secret space program or from an extraterrestrial intelligence. If extraterrestrials are indeed monitoring the ISS, they may be allowing their spacecraft to be captured on video in a First Contact scenario. © Copyright 2014. Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. FURTHER READING Is a UFO monitoring astronauts during ISS space walk? Is a giant cigar UFO hovering near the International Space Station? Did a UFO dock with International Space Station for alien astronaut meeting? George Adamski: A Herald for the Space Brothers – Book Review Continue Reading No Comments IS THAT AN ELONGATED HUMAN SKULL ON MARS? WRITTEN BY DR MICHAEL SALLA ON OCTOBER 20, 2014. POSTED IN ARCHEOLOGY, EXONEWS Martian skull Martian skull Is this an elongated skull on Mars and is it connected to ancient Egypt? Source: UFOvni2012 A photograph taken by the Mars Curiosity Rover shows what appears to be an elongated skull on the Martian surface. According to an October 18, 2014, report by UFO Sightings Daily, the curious object is an elongated head similar to those found in ancient Egypt. In a Youtube video, the Martian skull like object is compared to elongated human skulls found in various Egyptian murals and the similarity is striking. Around the same time the skull like object began to be discussed on the internet, NASA administrator Charles Bolden made a surprising statement about life on Mars in an October 9 interview in London: People always ask the question ‘Why Mars?’ Several reasons: One, Mars is very Earth-like, or least used to be Earth-like. It is a planet, a sister planet to Earth. It is the most likely planet in our solar system, um, that had life at one time… may have life now, and we feel can definitely sustain life. Was this merely a coincidence, or was Bolden preparing the world public for some surprising future announcement regarding life on Mars? Perhaps Martian life once existed, and it was connected to ancient Egypt? The photograph was taken by Curiosity Rover on September 14, 2014 and was the focus of a video posted a month later. In the video, comparisons with various elongated human skulls depicted in Egyptian murals and statues, the suggestion is that the object is a human skull. If so, then the elongated skull may be evidence of a tangible connection between ancient Egypt and Mars. Both Earth and Mars at one time in their history possessed a human population with elongated skulls that were part of their respective planetary leaders. Whatever the origin of the mysterious object, it is unlikely that the Curiosity Rover will investigate it more closely due to the standard response by NASA that such fossil like bone fragments are just rocks. For example, in its response to a Mars Rover image of what appeared to be a thigh bone found on Mars, NASA responded that it was nothing more than rock. Former NASA employees, such as Richard Hoover, however disagree. Hoover claims that NASA administrators go to great lengths to cover up the possibility of Martian life, and in one case directed one of the Rover missions to actually destroy evidence of a Martian fossil. Perhaps NASA’s standard response is right, and the skull looking object captured by Curiosity Rover is just a rock. Alternatively, the object may be the elongated skull of a humanoid species that had a historical connection to ancient Egypt. Was NASA Administrator Bolden’s October 9 claim of past Martian life purely coincidental in timing, or the start of NASA releasing more of what it really knows about life on Mars? © Copyright 2014. Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Further Reading Mars Rover image of thigh bone sparks media frenzy & NASA response Is that a lizard on Mars – why is NASA silent? Hard evidence of life on Mars that NASA doesn’t want to discuss 1976 life on Mars controversy resurrected in new scientific report More evidence of life on Mars? Continue Reading No Comments NSA DOCUMENT SUPPORTS WHISTLEBLOWER CLAIM OF ALIEN UFO COMMUNICATION PROGRAM WRITTEN BY DR MICHAEL SALLA ON OCTOBER 11, 2014. POSTED IN EXOPOLITICS RESEARCH NSA leaked slide showing SENTRY EAGLE program where different DHS, DOD, and NSA clasified programs are hidden within less classified national programs. (NSA) NSA leaked slide showing SENTRY EAGLE program where different DHS, DOD, and NSA clasified programs are hidden within less classified national programs. (NSA) NSA leaked slide showing SENTRY EAGLE program where different DHS, DOD, and NSA clasified programs are hidden within less classified national programs. (NSA) On October 10, Peter Maass and Laura Poitras writing for The Intercept, released more powerpoint slides from leaked NSA documents concerning highly classified programs that are hidden from public scrutiny. The documents, originally leaked by Edward Snowden, reveal that “Sentry Eagle” is used as an umbrella term for hiding the NSA’s most sensitive programs that are classified “Exceptionally Controlled Information” (ECI). Several powerpoint slides show how ECI programs are hidden beneath less classified programs as a cover. The leaked documents support claims made 16 years earlier by Dan Sherman, another NSA whistleblower, who revealed that he worked in a secret communications program with alien (extraterrestrial) entities that was hidden beneath less classified NSA programs as a cover. The Intercept article discusses a 13 page “brief sheet” about “Sentry Eagle”: “You are being indoctrinated on Sentry Eagle,” the 2004 document begins, before going on to list the most highly classified aspects of its various programs. It warns that the details of the Sentry Eagle programs are to be shared with only a “limited number” of people, and even then only with the approval of one of a handful of senior intelligence officials, including the NSA director. Among the leaked power point slides is a set called “Core Secrets Slide Slices.” These slides (see slideshow) reveal how ECI programs are only made available to a few select individuals within the Intelligence Community with a strict need to know access. Two of the slides show how Sentry Eagle acts as an umbrella for hiding its most sensitive ECI programs under less classified programs. This supports the claims by Dan Sherman who worked for three years as an electronic intelligence specialist with the NSA. Dan Sherman served with the US Air Force for twelve years (1982-1994), and received a number of awards including the Commendation Medal and the Achievement Medal. He revealed that he was recruited into a classified program, “Project Preserve Destiny” (PPD), that was conducted under the auspices of the National Security Agency (NSA). The training was for Sherman to become an “intuitive communicator” with extraterrestrial biological entities (EBEs). Essentially, Sherman would learn to telepathically interface with EBEs and pass on this information through a secure computer system to his handlers within the NSA. Sherman’s training for PPD was conducted at the same time while training for a conventional military career in electronic intelligence (ELINT), which itself was classified. Sherman NSA Certificate Dan Sherman’s NSA Certificate. Extracted from Above Black: Project Preserve Destiny, p. 69. (Dan Sherman) Sherman described that his ELINT training acted as a cover for his participation in PPD that spanned a three year period (1991-1994). In his book, Above Black: Project Preserve Destiny – Insider Account of Alien Contact and Government Cover-Up (1998), Sherman revealed how he was recruited and trained in a way unknown to his normal ELINT military trainers. The training occurred over the same period as his normal training in ELINT. When he was subsequently assigned to the NSA, Sherman worked on a specially designed computer where he could perform both his normal ELINT work, and also work as an intuitive communicator with EBEs. This is how Sherman describes, in his 1998 book, the rational for hiding deep black alien related projects under the umbrella of a less classified program: When someone is assigned to an alien project they are also assigned to the collateral black mission (cover mission). One of the reason for this is if someone were to reveal any alien information, by extension, they would most likely reveal something about the cover project and it would be on this basis that someone would be prosecuted for divulging classified information. (p. IX) Sherman’s claim of working within a deep black project hidden within a less classified NSA project has been corroborated by the leaked NSA documents. “Sentry Eagle” operates precisely in the way described by Sherman’s account of his time working in two classified programs for the NSA from 1991 to 1994. The leaked NSA documents reveal that Sentry Eagle has six programs: Sentry Hawk (for activities involving computer network exploitation, or spying), Sentry Falcon (computer network defense), Sentry Osprey (cooperation with the CIA and other intelligence agencies), Sentry Raven (breaking encryption systems), Sentry Condor (computer network operations and attacks), Sentry Owl (collaborations with private companies). Sherman’s claims that he was recruited from the USAF for the NSA alien program while training as an ELINT specialist with the USAF suggests that Project Preserve Destiny was likely part of the Sentry Osprey program that involved cooperation between the NSA and other intelligence agencies. After officially retiring from the USAF and ending his classified work with the NSA, Dan Sherman went public with his 1998 book in which he supplied documentation of his training and work with the NSA as an electronic intelligence specialist. Sherman’s claim made 16 years ago that he worked in a highly classified (“above black”) program hidden within a less classified NSA “black” program has not been corroborated until now with the leaked Snowden documents. Sherman’s claims suggest that within one or more of the NSA’s Sentry Eagle six compartments, there are ongoing alien (extraterrestrial) projects that are hidden within less classified NSA cover programs. © Copyright 2014. Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. FURTHER READING Will NSA leak bring disclosure of alien life without official acknowledgement? Leaked NSA document confirms online covert deception involves UFOs US Congress discusses extraterrestrial life, but not cover-up
Posted on: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 13:27:07 +0000

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