AUTHOR MARKETING - PART 2 (Becoming a Bestselling Author!) As - TopicsExpress


AUTHOR MARKETING - PART 2 (Becoming a Bestselling Author!) As I’ve said earlier, writing and publishing a book is one thing, but getting it to top the charts is another. From what I’ve been able to observe and the extensive market research I’ve done there are a few specific ways you can become a bestselling author: 1. Luck – think Fifty Shades of Grey: Book One of the Fifty Shades Trilogy 2. Notoriety – think J.K. Rowling or Anthony Robbins – the simple fact of them publishing a new book almost guarantees it will shoot up the charts to #1. 3. Buy your way to the top – many Internet gurus have been known to buy massive quantities of their own book when it first comes out and force the book to the top of the chart. 4. Great writing – this is how many new bestsellers reach that coveted position. 5. Great marketing – some authors wrote a decent book, but the power-house marketing behind the launch is what propelled them to the top of the charts. Other than the first way to become a bestselling author, I’d say that most of the other types of authors on the list become a bestseller by having a very clear and focused goal. By that I mean that you set in your mind that your book will top the charts, you hold that vision and you take massive action to make that happen. After reaching my initial goal of writing a book in 30 days (I actually accomplished this twice this year, but have yet to publish the first book I wrote (I’ll end up publishing the second book before the first). My second book is 200 pages long and I wrote it on weekends over 4 weeks). As I was working on the rough draft, I made the decision that I want this book to top the charts on Kindle and Amazon. Why is it so important for me to become a Bestselling Author? I’m already an international author (my first self-published book came out in 2002) and I’ve published 2,000-3,000 blog posts from two prior online magazines I used to own. I’m now ready to take my writing to the next level and step into the shoes of a chart topper. Let’s face it, it’s an ultimate dream for most of us Authors – that and winning industry Awards. It’s like winning Olympic Gold for athletes or winning the Oscars for actors or for a singer to win a Grammy! For the rest of your life, you’ll be recognized as someone who is unique, daring and talented. I want to make it clear that becoming a bestselling author will require time, effort, sacrifice and a certain amount of financial investment – if you self-publish and take care of your own marketing. That said, the recognition is well worth it. There are a lot of great advantages in topping the literary charts and that’s why I feel it’s so important to break down the process to understand the formula behind becoming a bestselling author. The title of a bestselling author -which stays with you forever – just like being an Oscar winner – opens up incredible financial opportunities that include new income streams (when you turn your book into a product), more paid speaking engagements, radio and TV publicity, more business because you’ll have attracted new clients willing to pay for your services, hire fees and the list goes on. The book sets you apart and really establishes you as THE Authority in your industry and being recognized as a bestselling author elevates you to new heights because you’ll have accomplished something few people will ever do! PS: We will really appreciate if you graphics portfolios at ==> pinterest/ecoverrwolf/
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 17:26:42 +0000

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