AUTHOR OF 25 BOOKS OF ENGLISH POETRY, FICTION AND NON-FICTION, DR J.S. ANANDS 26th work of ENGLISH POETRY: NEW ARRIVAL: [Most Readable Poet says our friend Joan Wilson] THE LOST BLISS [POEMS] [2014] - Pub. by the Poetry Society of India A VOLUME OF SWEET AND SOUR LYRICS which captures the GRANDEUR of the Garden of Eden and the soulful existence of Adam and Eve. A COLLECTION OF sweet lyrics breathing love, joy, peace, and anticipation, till the fallen angel poisons Eves ears, and plants demand in her heart. POEMS show how they lose their BLISS... why they lose their Bliss.. how can they regain their Bliss... A SOULFUL ENCOUNTER with the very basics of life... WAIT FOR THIS APOCALYPTIC WORK, with an epical setting, dealing with basic questions of JOY, PAIN, AND SORROW. DR J.S. ANAND, BOOKS AVAILABLE AT: AMAZON.COM, CREATESPACE.COM. JUSTFICTION.COM. AND WWW.THEPOETRYSOCIETYOFINDIA.COM. EXCERPTS FROM FOREWORD BY MY RESEARCHER AND BIOGRAPHER DR ROGHAYEH FARSI: from the FOREWORD Reminding us of Milton’s Paradise Lost, Anand’s collection of poems allusively takes us back to the long forgotten myth of the Fall, Adam, and Eve. Reviving that story which has now been nullified by postmodern rationalizing men, The Lost Bliss contemporizes the themes and concerns of Paradise Lost by addressing the modern age and its ethos. The pensive look of the poet targets the question of life, death, the Fall, human nature, society, identity, and also the most concerned passion of love. The speaker is at times a philosopher who ponders on different dimensions of man’s life; however, while contemplating, he reveals his own doubts and uncertainties. Sometimes, he is seen having himself concealed behind the mask of a seer for fear of disintegration under the pressure of the chaotic world in which he finds himself. For Anand’s speaker love is a peg on which he hopelessly and helplessly hangs all his disruptive suspicions in an attempt to hold himself together. It is this love which the cultural healer prescribes for his people as the remedy to restore them to the lost balance. Yet, love for Anand is not a selfish assimilation of others; rather it is developing a sense of respect and concern for “other”. This love which brings man down to the earth, disillusions him, and puts him on equal scales with nature and his environment does not mean a liquidation or dilation of self into “other”; instead, it enhances man’s sense of self-esteem as he regards himself connected to the whole universe. [Dr. Roghayeh Farsi]
Posted on: Tue, 21 Jan 2014 18:40:46 +0000

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