AUTHORITY [DERIVED] FROM THE CONSTITUTION, [IS ALSO] THAT [SAME] AUTHORITY [USED] TO VIOLATE ITS GUARANTEES. (1) emphasis added If only we new and understood what has been done to the Confederation!! Again, something else that I did not know where it started and one of the principles that opened the door to protectionism of business by government. As noble as this principle may seem to us and to all the individuals and businesses that serve and helped to secure this land, doing this IS AN UNCONSTITUTIONAL AUTHORITY AND A DOOR NOT TO BE OPENED. And, we are still happily doing this today! This was the cause for secession! This was the most egregious breach and the reason the United States Government could not let the South go in peace; protection money for the North at Southern expense. From the great Statesman Jefferson Davis speaking on the bills that Congress enacted to protect the businesses from financial ruin that had produced the materials for the War of 1812, caused by peace and the collapse of prices that followed, the door to protectionism was opened with the bills of 1816, 1820, 1824, and 1828, the latter known as the bill of abominations, are the pandoras box that should have never been opened. South Carolina lead the way in seeing this danger. This, however, is a delegated power stated in Article 1 section 8, but improperly used, and, I think, one of the principal problems we face today, as everyone slops at the trough of transferred property, as if is their right to do so; Federal, State, individual, public, private or military. As I have said before, nothing is new in the way governments operate! And I think I can add, allowed to operate, since this government is what everyone thinks is a consent of the governed. Mr. Davis will put words to this for us and summarizes our problems today which were put to print 133 years ago: Nothing could be more fatal to the independence of the people and the liberties of the States than dependence for support upon the public treasury, whether it be in the form of subsidies, of bounties, or restrictions on trade for the benefit of special interests. In the decline of the Roman Empire, the epoch in which hopelessness of renovation was made manifest was that in which the people ACCEPTED CORN FROM THE PUBLIC GRANARIES: it preceded but a little the time when THE POST OF EMPEROR BECAME A MATTER OF PURCHASE. How far would it differ from this if constituencies would choose their representatives, NOT FOR THEIR INTEGRITY, NOT FOR THIER CAPACITY, NOT FOR THEIR PAST SERVICES, but because of THEIR ABILITY TO GET MONEY FROM THE PUBLIC TREASURY FOR THE BENEFIT OF THEIR LOCAL INTERESTS; how far would it differ from a purchase of the office if a President were chosen because of THE FAVOR HE WOULD SHOW TO CERTAIN MONEYED INTERESTS? (2) emphasis added 1) Jefferson Davis; The Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government; Volume II (Original publication 1881; Da Capo Press 1990) pg 12 2) Ibid; Volume I, pg 432
Posted on: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 14:39:58 +0000

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