AUTHORITY IS GOD-CONSTITUTED “Slaves, obey your earthly - TopicsExpress


AUTHORITY IS GOD-CONSTITUTED “Slaves, obey your earthly masters with respect and fear, and with sincerity of heart, just as you would obey Christ.” Ephesians 6:5. Are you speaking words of doubt about your own organization? Are you belittling or criticizing those in authority over you? Stop it now! Of a truth, those in authority may not be perfect. They make mistakes – may be that is why they can tolerate you in the first instance. If they were perfect, they might not want to communicate with you. Imagine a nation without a leader, a workplace without a boss, an army without a general. How does it look like? So, authority is an instrument to create order, that is, the accurate arrangement of things. God reserves the right to choose whoever pleases Him to represent His people. He saw you before He eventually decided to pick someone else. He cannot probably make mistakes like we humans. Hence, it is a sin and crime to condemn, challenge, compete, curse or pass derogatory remarks about God’s elects. For instance, according to Numbers 16:31-34, the unusual death that killed Korah, Dathan and Abiram who flagrantly rebelled and challenged Moses authority was brought by God! In 1 Samuel 26:8-12, King Saul, David’s arch-enemy ignorantly and carelessly played into David’s hands. That would have meant death for King Saul. But David remembered that murdering Saul would mean murdering God’s anointed! A rebellion against a constituted leadership is a rebellion against the constitution. Also, challenging God’s anointed is challenging God’s sovereign authority. How often do you pray for those in authority over you? What can you do in the next seven days to show honour and appreciation to the one person who is in authority? If you are rebelling against every instruction given to you, then do not complain when those around you begin to rebel against your words and opinions. Learn to honour and respect those in authority over you. Your success is affected by it. Remember, a single step taken in a wrong direction by a leader can derail the destiny of millions. Receive wisdom and grace to relate with those appointed over you. You are destined for the top in Jesus’ name. God bless you! Have a fruitful day! Prophetic Prayers Dear heavenly Father, forgive my previous act of rebellion against your elects in Jesus’ name. Holy Spirit, check me when I am about criticizing leaders in Jesus’ name. Let your presence be with our leaders. Influence all their decisions in Jesus’ name. Use me, oh Lord, to bless and support those in authority in Jesus’ name.
Posted on: Fri, 22 Nov 2013 03:16:49 +0000

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