AUTUMN ROSE UPDATE: MIRACULOUSLY SHE IS MUCH BETTER TODAY I was not able to get her into the vet yesterday, the fundraiser has $70, that would have pretty much covered the initial visit cost and nothing more. So I decided to keep her here, comfortable on her bed I made for her & let her pass in her sleep. I stayed with her til about 3AM, got back up at 8 went in there, prepared myself that she would be gone. Went in there she wasnt in her bed, nowhere in there, I started looking for her, she had somehow managed to get to the far back bedroom where I found her standing up - wedged between the closet door & non working big screen TV rockin back & forth (as she was when I found her outside in my yard). I helped her to her bed, she was looking around so I got her some water, she drank a little, had no interest in her food at that time. So I went and got her a can of dog food from the corner store, she ate it and drank her water and is very alert now and doing really good today, Has even got up and walked a bit, and is now once again sleeping. Lastnyte she still would not eat, couldnt drink water, when I tried to give her water her jaw clamped down on the water bowl and I had to pry it out. That is not the case today. She is doing everything on her own and has a really good look to her. She desperately needs a rescue group to take her in. I can only do so much, and I am doing all that I am able to, I just wish I had the money to be able to care for her total needs. I cannot thank any of you enough for all the thoughts & prayers for Autumn Rose. She is not ready to cross by any means, she definitely wants to live.
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 23:01:49 +0000

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