AVAILABLE STONE/CRYSTAL: BOTSWANA AGATE. BOTSWANA AGATE is sometimes called the change stone because of its mystical property of helping one handle change in a positive way. It is said to gently help one make transitions of any kind in a way that change is not as difficult or painful as could be without it; it is a comforting stone. Carrying a bit of Botswana agate in your pocket is said to help one cope easily with the minor changes that life throws at us daily. Relief after depression and/or grief is another metaphysical energy of Botswana agate. It is said to help us focus on solutions instead of problems, and thereby increases creativity, as well as increasing the power of ones intuition. Botswana agate is noted in crystal healing to be helpful in overcoming addictions and other self-destructive compulsive behavior patterns, as well as dealing with repressed emotional issues. As a success stone, it is said to help one achieve and cope with success. It is also a stone of sensuality. facebook/TheMalaTree Y! Messenger: themalatree Text/Viber: +639182450766 #themalatree #japamala #crystals #crystalhealing #necklace #philippines #diy #bracelet #handmade #fashion #yoga #meditation #mantra #namaste #mala #prayerbeads #jewelry #protection #fengshui #wealth #health #career #business #money #luck #yogaphilippines #yogamanila #yogacebu #yogadavao #fitness
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 10:45:48 +0000

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