AWAKENING OF INNERNESS-INDIA Blessings of Paramhans Swami Vivek - TopicsExpress


AWAKENING OF INNERNESS-INDIA Blessings of Paramhans Swami Vivek Bharti Salutations to spiritual guide Guru Let us go with me to awake innerness. Learn ART OF REAL LIVING through AWAKENING to achieve divine goal. AUM NAMAH SHIVAY (salutations to LORD SHIVA who is the root of all knowledge; controller of all and destroyer of all negativity) guys. Lord Shiva & Shakti (both of them are away from life & death) are the root of all knowledge; all creation; and also of all religions & sects which evolved from them. As per KUMDALINI SCIENCE MAA SHAKTI resides in between anus & penis or vagina portion (Ist chakra / round - muladharchakra) while AWAKENING through mantra / trantra / deep mediation with seals & bounds and due BLESSINGS OF GURU she, superconcious energy, rushes towards head chakra to meet LORD SHIVA at toppest chakra / round, the final house of her to become one. Learn to AWAKE with me to enjoy stable peace and happiness which do not come from any types of practices but only from AWAKENING OF MIND from ignorance if you have tired of your meaningless life. AWAKENING is concerned to wake up from the sleep of ignorance due to the involvement of senses in their objects of pleasures which keeps us as it is even after practising different types of pattarns namely yoga, yog, meditation, paranayam & seals bounds, tantra, light, spirits, reiki, kirya, self realization etc. in market to have peace, bliss and happiness. Only AWAKENING OF MIND can make all practices fruitful as person in sleep cannot enjoy only dreamt enjoy for a while. This AWAKENING is concerned to full concentration of mind for any practice as all practices start from mind and end on soul. Try to understand real love to come out of pains, depressions you are suffering from resultingly due to ignorance about real love & happiness. ************************ Third component to learn ART OF REAL LIVING is How to be free from Evils? In the book God Realization by Renounciation the first step is the renounciation of forbidden actions such as falsehood, fraud, forgery, dishonesty, smoking and forbidden foods & drinks -- meat & wine etc. The forbidden steps should never be practised with either the mind or body. They are a blot to the spiritual discipline. Therefore this blot must only be renounced from ones heart. Inspite of this if a sin is committed by error, it will creat burning sensation in the heart. That burning sensation has a power which will enable you not to commit a sin again. Have a firm determination on your own and pray to god to give you power not to do any action against his will. In that case God, dharma (righteousness), the scriptures ans saints all will help you. If a person has a true desire to attain God-realization, the whole world including the sinners will become kind to him. Spiritual path is path of faith, patience and renounciation. Fix a thought in your mind that a devotee inspite of being poor should be prepared to live a life of adversity rather than commit sins and injustice. The kings Sibi, great sage dadhici and King Harishchandera suffered a lots of pains for righteousness (dharma). But they did not give up righteouness and duty. Patience, righteousness, friend and wife are tested in the face of adversity as mentioned in MANASA III. A real devotee never leaves the path of patience, faith, duty, hard determination and righteousness even in the adverse situations, and also never commit sins and injustice even he will have to die without food. So spirituality is the path of dieing before death to attain god, not a mere play to enjoy. In this path every practice takes one towards way of exaimnation then after God bestow with divine peace, happiness and bliss. In SHRIMAD BHAGVAT GITA Lord Krishna tells Arjuna, his disciple, be merely an instrument of God. (chapter XI-33) When you really become an instrument (only possible after dieing before death -- merging of mind, intellect and senses in God) of god, the god will give you power to face all adversities and you will come out with colours. So god is the examiner as well as saviour for a real devoted mind. Without examination no practice becomes fruitful. Man himself is responsible for evil actions. If he is not ready to do so, no one can force him. The man has a false notion that the law, the bad company, the spoiled atmosphere, the unfavourable fortune and the lack of a spiritual guide etc., force him to do so. But all there are mere excause. No one can harm you unless you are prepared to harm yourself. If you have a firm determination of your own and depend on god, no one can degrade you. Lord Krishna, incarnation of real knowledge and love, declares in Gita, seek refuge to Me alone. I shall liberate you from all sins, grieve not. (chapter XVIII 66) The condition is to seek refuge in Him alone. But if you seek refuge in wealth and have trust in falsehood, fraud and dishonesty, it is beyond Gods power to help you. So keep yourself away from triple gate of passion, anger and greed which can lead to hell and also destructive of the self. (Gita XVI 21) Bhavgrahi Janardana -- God observes the feelings of the heart. One who has purified his feelings, has become pure. It takes time to become pure but we are very quickly purified by having the feeling not to commit sins. With firm determination one becomes purified. God does not keep in mind the sins committed by a man but remembers the goodness of the heart. So now gist is that desires are the mother of all sins. Good to keep control on desires which can make you directionless. Good to meet out needs. Bows to spiritual teacher guru for guiding us to follow path of true wisdom. Aum namah Shivay Share with all to aware.
Posted on: Sat, 17 Jan 2015 08:07:09 +0000

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