AWAKENING OF INNERNESS-INDIA Blessings of Paramhans Swami Vivek - TopicsExpress


AWAKENING OF INNERNESS-INDIA Blessings of Paramhans Swami Vivek Bharti Salutations to spiritual guide Guru Let us go with me to awake innerness. Learn ART OF REAL LIVING through AWAKENING to achieve divine goal. AUM NAMAH SHIVAY (salutations to LORD SHIVA who is the root of all knowledge; controller of all and destroyer of all negativity) guys. Lord Shiva & Shakti (both of them are away from life & death) is the root of all knowledge; all creation; and also of all religions & sects which evolved from them. Learn to awake with me to enjoy stable peace and happiness which do not come from any types of practices but only from AWAKENING OF MIND from ignorance if you have tired of your meaningless life. Awakening is concerned to wake up from the sleep of ignorance due to the involvement of senses in their objects of pleasures which keeps us as it is even after practising different types of pattarns namely yoga, yog, meditation, paranayam & seals bounds, tantra, light, spirits etc. in market to have peace, bliss and happiness. Only awakening of mind can makes all practices fruitful as person in sleep cannot enjoy only dreamt enjoy for a while. This awakening is concerned to concentration of mind for any practice as all pracrices start from mind and end on it too. Try to understand real love to come out of pains, depressions you are suffering from resultingly due to ignorance about real love & happiness. Third component to learn ART OF REAL LIVING is How to be free from Evils? Pride (son of ego) & desires are the two main factors responsible factors to drag us towards all negativities. In the SHRIMADBHAGVAT GITA Lord Krishna, incarnation of real knowledge & love 5500 years before, has declared two kinds of attachments -- worldly pleasures and accumulation of things for personal possession. Each of them blinds a man. If both of them are combined, they make the man totolally blind. A man commits deadly sins due to them. He is prepared to eat a drink anything in the name of medicine and do any action in the name of business. If we think over it, it makes our hair stand on end. We do such an injustice. But how long this money will stay with you? How long will you live? The deadly sims committes by you will bear fruit. The saints give us a warning to be afraid of doing sins. We enjoy wordly pleasures by doing forbidden actions (such as falsehood, fraud, forgery, dishonesty, and forbidden food & drinks such as meat & wine) and having a claim on others things. All forbidden foods and drinks make our mind unable to absorb and follow the spiritual path of attaining eternal and stable peace, happiness and bliss. It is a saying jaisa aan vaisa maan means first formation of stable and pure mind starts from foods and drinks we daily use. All these attainments as far away from that kind of people who do forbidden actions. But guys! God has not bestowed upon us this human body for such hideous sins. Such a man can not be relieved by worldly distresses. Then you ask why dispassion does not remain. How can dispassion stay when you are full of the brim with atrachments and desires for worldly pleasures? They are contradictory propensities, they can not stay together. Beinf fascinated by attachments, a man can not escape from frobidden actions. Oh my kids! If you want to save yourself from misfortune, miseries, hells, have a firm determination just now not to have a claim on others things. Guys, if you purify your minds, you will be able to understand these spiritual preachings and they will be put into practice. But so long as you have motive, you can not understand them. So try to be pure to attain real fruit of all types practices you are involved in. You may be able to learn them by heart and advise others to follow them. But as long as you have sin in the heart, nothing good is going to happen. Therefore first have a firm determination neither to enjoy the worldly pleasures nor accumulate things with injustice to put a lock on pride and desires. Do not feel or consider to attain real & stable peace, happiness and bliss easy or a play. Its a matter of dieing before death to awake innerness, as the awakened one feels himself free and separate from all the race of mind on attaining enlightenment. One would have to sacrifice all of his desires and race of mind here & there to become stable at peace. So now gist is that desires are the mother of all sins. Good to keep control on desires which can make you directionless. Good to meet out needs which will not be much painful as they are limited but depends upon the fruit of actions did in the last births as human being. Fruit of our actions is in the hands of god to filter us. So now watch reaction of every action did by you and others your surrounding; and learn from type of fruit attained and its taste too. Try to become a wise first teacher of yourself to live a really meaningful, peaceful and happy life. Otherwise keep on paying. This practice will open the doors of gods dynasty for his awakened, awared and devoted children which is the enternal fruit of Art of Real Living Bows to spiritual teacher guru for guiding us to follow path of true wisdom. Aum namah Shivay Share with all to aware.
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 09:43:51 +0000

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