“AWAMI LEAGUERS COULD BE PURCHASED”- Hasina: News Caption: - TopicsExpress


“AWAMI LEAGUERS COULD BE PURCHASED”- Hasina: News Caption: Bangladeshi media: 14.09.2014. “THE PEOPLE OF BANGLADESH HAVE LOST THEIR CHARACTER. THEY HAVE BECOME THIEVES. WHOSOEVER I TRUST AND GIVE HIM A JOB TO DO HE TURNS OUT TO BE A THIEF. THEY EVEN STOLE MY PIECE OF BLANKET”_ Mujib: APRIL, 1975 Daily Ittefaq: Dhaka: Reporting from Dhaka- Dewan Monju Munshi:14.09.2014. These sycophants are just following the “FATHER OF THE NOTION who went secretly to Agartala & sold himself to Indian rulers & the military to get in power. They could not put him in power so they divided the country and made him their Viceroy in the Eastern part. However, this admission & very belated realization would not open the exit for an arrogant, foul-mouth Gopali Hasina to escape the consequence of HER most heinous and contemptible crime she has committed by deleting the sentence from our constitution that read, “WE TRUST IN ALLAH & DEPEND ON HIM as a part of our SHAHADA. Ignorant & arrogant Hasina did not have any mandate to do so from her party-supporters. She only did so hoping to continue getting the backing & blessings of her handful of foreign mentors who have been hostile to anything “ISLAMIC”! Even the secular self-appointed leaders of democracies such as U.K & USA trust & BELIEVE IN GOD. “GOD SAVE THE KING” says U.K’s national Anthem. America says on the back of their “MIGHTY” Dollar, “IN GOD WE TRUST”. And an ignorant, poorly educated Hasina tells the people , “ WE FOLLOW THE DEMOCRATIC SECULAR SYSTEMS OF UK AND USA! What an ignorant liar! By deleting the word of ALLAH and reference to HIM from the constitution Hasina HAS signed her own death warrant and cunning though she has been but she was not a fool and as such she knew that full well. Still there was time for her to rectify the very serious crime by which she has alienated millions upon millions of Muslim people not only in our Muslim state but all over the world. Before her, no Muslim ruler anywhere could even venture to take such a horrible suicidal step. She was given ample time to reinstate the sentence but her own arrogance, vanity, a GOPALI family heritage and upbringing plus the pressure from her anti-Islamic tiny but vocal, extreme “SECULARIST” sycophants did not allow her to do so. “She has already been a dead woman”, said on Islamic Secular teacher of Dhaka University on condition of anonymity “and her sycophants know that. They are just parading with her skeleton to mob & rob the people using her name or hiding under her SARI! They will abandon her as they did abandon her father when the time comes. And INSHA-ALLAH that time is approaching fast”. Not a single person came out to the street to protest when Mujib was executed by a popular jubilant Bangladeshi army JOWANS. These are not DISTORTION OF THE TRUE HISTORY OF MUKTIJUDDO BUT THE REAFFIRMATION OF THE TRUTH THAT WE WENT THROUGH WHILE WE WERE FIGHTING FOR OUR COUNTRY, OUR PEOPLE AND OUR CREED. MANY FAMILIES LOST THEIR DEAR ONE IN THAT FREEDOM STRUGGLE AND NOT A SINGLE MEMBER OF HASINA’S FAMILY DID AS FREEDOM FIGHTER. She does not feel any shame to use our name to make political capital out of us the FREEDOM FIGHTERS AND KEEP US REMAIN DIVIDED. We say to Hasina, “Do not abuse our honourable Freedom fighter. We will not tolerate it as long as we remain alive and stop the character assassination of our Freedom fighters”.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 22:01:02 +0000

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