AWESOME! About bullying. These two kids are just enough to blow - TopicsExpress


AWESOME! About bullying. These two kids are just enough to blow you out of the water! My true story: They:- only thought they were joking but to my grandson didnt who said. I thought they were just joking around but when it went on and on, I just couldnt stand it any more. I thought they were my friends all these years but when I asked them to stop, it only intensified. I dont know what to do because I dont want to go to school to go through this any more but I dont want to say anything to the principal either because I want them to be my friends like they used to be and I dont want them to get mad at me ... They didnt think it was a form of bullying, but any words or actions that make a person feel so down they can barely cope ; is just that. It wasnt a joke at all because it was just a horrible way to have to go to school for quite a while, keeping is hurt feelings to himself, not telling my daughter or me. I stayed at my daughters place quite often when she had to stay in the hospital 3 weeks after having his new baby brother. I could tell something was wrong this one evening and asked him what was going on, to tell me, never keep his feelings locked up inside because itll only make matters worse. Thank God he did. I thought they were my friends but when they said its all in my head that Im highly allergic to peanuts and one said he was going to bring peanut butter to school and put my face in it, ... that was just too much. Its gone overboard now and I dont know what to do. My daughter cried when I got him to call her at the hospital. I cried too but hid it from him. I was terrified as well because I had to rush my grandson to the hospital when a Blue Jay brought a peanut up on my balcony , cracked it open, and the wind carried the smell of it to where he was sound asleep in bed, waking up, coming into my living room having trouble breathing! He ended up in intensive care, hooked up to the IV as well as oxygen mask. From there he spent two more days in the hospital. His allergy to peanuts has been the highest level of it since 9 months old and he nearly died that one evening because its not just by touch or accidentally eating peanut butter or anything with peanut base in it that is bad, but being an air borne smell as well. Therefore my daughter called the school and got to come home for a day to get this settled fast. It was a matter of life and death and these kids had to know this, not just for my grandsons sake but for the safety of other kids in his school who have the same allergy that have epi-pens because of it. True friends never say or do mean things to who they refer to as friend and most definitely would take it serious when asked to please stop, if only joking around understanding we all have different emotions to do with things that may not upset some yet really upset others. Its all really just a matter of treating others how one would want to be treated. To have self respect and respect toward others. Also, to be big enough( mature enough) being of an age that shouldnt be looked at as babyish but more mature ; to simply say Sorry. I really didnt understand. I do now and if it was me in your place, I would have told too knowing how serious this was. Your still my friend I hope. we all understand now.
Posted on: Mon, 16 Jun 2014 04:56:29 +0000

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