AWESOME!!! Look at Susan Get yours here -----> - TopicsExpress


AWESOME!!! Look at Susan Get yours here -----> baraket1.sbc90/ 3.2.2014…Hi, I’m Susan and today is my 6 month Skinny Fiber-versary! My total weight loss so far is 32 pounds!!! I lost 22 pounds with my first 90 Day Challenge and 10 pounds in my second! I’m THRILLED with my progress so far and plan on continuing on round 3 starting tomorrow! I was already working out and eating right when I found Skinny Fiber… BUT… I JUST WASN’T LOSING WEIGHT! It had taken me 2 ½ years of clean eating, a 5 day a week workout routine of walk/running 3- 4 miles a day and light weights 3 days a week just to lose 14 pounds. Needless to say, I was frustrated and just resigned to being as healthy as a “fat girl” could be! I’ll admit I was skeptical at first. It took me about 6 months to jump on board but I haven’t looked back since! I think the secret to my success is pretty simple…I’ve set my phone alarm so I never miss my Skinny Fiber and I drink lots of water! That’s the only thing that’s different from the previous 2 ½ year struggle. I’m actually working out a little less than I use to…believe it or not!!! It took about 3 weeks for it to really start working for me. Those first few weeks I was RAVENOUS, I didn’t realize it at time but the Skinny Fiber was making my METABOLISM KICK IN! I was getting hungry like NORMAL people do. That’s something I hadn’t done in as long as I could remember! Then at week 3, suddenly ALL MY CRAVINGS WERE GONE and I STARTED FEELING FULL all the time!!! I’ve never felt jittery and I have a ton of energy. I actually have to force myself to eat and track my calories to make sure I’m eating enough!!! On my last doctor’s visit, I took all my Skinny Fiber information with me. He looked it over and said there was nothing in Skinny Fiber that could hurt me and to keep doing what I was doing because I looked FANTASTIC!!! I’ve been off my blood pressure meds for a few months now and my BP was 118/78 when they checked it! During my second 90 day Challenge, my husband and I went home for 6 weeks to visit our parents. I was pretty PANICKED and just sure I was going to gain a lot of weight! I didn’t work out the entire time we were there. With both of our families, everything centers around food and it’s just SO HARD TO SAY NO to favorite foods when you only get to eat them once or twice a year!! My in-laws eat their big meal at lunch and everything is homemade right down to the bread, jelly and desert that’s on the table with every meal! My parents like to eat out for dinner and hit all our favorite restaurants. I didn’t even attempt to be good; in fact, I ate like a PIG the entire 6 weeks!!! I still noticed a huge difference! Skinny Fiber kept me from eating that second slice of homemade bread with homemade peach honey every day and I only ate one small slice of dessert each day. I noticed my serving sizes on everything I ate were smaller too. I ate it because it was a special and NOT because I felt like I couldn’t live without it! I didn’t feel the urge to eat the entire cake or get into the peanut butter M&Ms each time I walked past the candy dish, either. When I did indulge in the M&Ms…2 or 3 were all it took to make me happy. In the 6 weeks we were there, I only gained 2.5 pounds and I’ve already taken that back off. In the past that would have been a 15 pound trip! I know that trip really slowed my weight loss down…BUT… I also learned a lot about myself and Skinny Fiber! It’s helped me to change my relationship with food and that’s the hardest thing for someone that’s been over weight their entire life to do. For the first time in my life I’m eating to live NOT living to eat!!! I KNOW I’ll FINALLY GET WHERE I WANT TO BE… HEALTHY! Thank you, Skinny Fiber! Get yours here -----> baraket1.sbc90/
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 22:41:57 +0000

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