AWESOME NEWS REGARDING CALIFORNIA PUPPYCIDE WORK -- the only thing Ill add is this quote from Mother Teresa -- after reading this news, youll see the connection ... heres the quote: Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin. Dogs Shot by Police shared a link via Dog Encounter Task Force at San Diego AWOL. 2 hours ago Dog Encounter Task Force at San Diego AWOL has shared some exciting news with us. (LR) WE’RE GOING LIVE! We have booked our first class and we are going live at Dog Encounter Task Force! This is, in essence, a Thank You post to those who helped us get to this point. Five months ago we reached out to Captain Yborrondo at the San Diego County Sheriff’s Dept. San Marcos station and suggested we work together to reduce the number of dogs shot by law enforcement. Captain Yborrondo welcomed our suggestion to work together and assigned a Deputy, Corporal Dustin Nelson, to work with us. We have had many meetings, phone conversations and email correspondence in that time and Deputy Nelson listened to our concerns and has worked right along with us to help us develop a comprehensive and realistic program to share in order to keep everyone safe – officers, dogs and innocent bystanders. We are incredibly grateful for the spirit of cooperation shown to us by the Sheriff’s Dept. San Marcos. Thank you Captain Yborrondo and Deputy Nelson for trusting us and working with us on an issue that is very important to the community. We will not forget your support and your efforts to help make this training a reality in San Diego County. We have always felt that citizens who are asking for change should roll up their sleeves and help make it happen and as it turns out we have enjoyed a good working relationship with law enforcement in our community. Back in September we reached out to the Escondido Police Department, because of a dog shooting in our own community, and they welcomed us and our ideas and now are sending people to our first live class to see if we can integrate training for their officers. I originally met with Captains Benton and Loarie, and at that meeting Captain Benton told me he wanted his officers to have every single advantage on the streets so was open to investigating our training. I now have been working with Sgt. John Russo of the Training Division and John has been very helpful to us through and including offering us the use of their training room to train EPD and multiple agencies. Last week, because of a dog shooting in Oceanside I reached out to the Oceanside Police Department and Probation as it was actually a Probations Officer that shot the dog. I heard back from Oceanside PD the very same day and they will be attending our Pilot Class to see if our training can used for their officers. To date I have heard nothing from the Probation Department. I just want to say that this can be done by a group of dedicated people anywhere in the US. No one has to wait for someone else to do it… are that someone! There is all kinds of information and training tools out there. Find the very best people you can find (who are articulate and have good presentation skills) in the area of dog behavior/training and law enforcement (animal control or other) and put together a class. If anyone would like pointers on how to do that we at Dog Encounter Task Force are happy to give guidance. You may contact us through our website:
Posted on: Sat, 01 Feb 2014 02:33:38 +0000

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