AWON #ALASALATU IN TIME OF THE SOHAABAH & HOW THEY WERE TREATED Abdullah ibn Abbas (Rodiyllaahu anhu) narrated: “We would come with Abdullah ibn Masood to the Masjid. One day Abu Musa al-Ashari came, looking worried, and asked whether Abu Abdur-Rehman (Ibn Masood) had come out. We said ‘No,’ so he also sat waiting. When Ibn Masood came out Abu Musa said, ‘Just now I saw an innovation but it looks good in seeing.’ Ibn Masood said, ‘What did you see?’ Abu Musa said, ‘I saw a group sitting in a circle waiting for us. They had pebbles in their hands. In every circle there was a man who said, ‘Say Takbeer one hundred times’ so they said Takbeer (Allaahu Akbar) one hundred times. Then he said, ‘Say Tahleel one hundred times’ so they said Tahleel (Alhamdulillaah) one hundred times, and likewise they said Tasbeeh (Subhaanallaah)one hundred times.’ Ibn Masood said, ‘Then what did you say?’ Abu Musa said, ‘I did not say anything and I waited for you.’” “Whilst talking both reached the Masjid and observed the recitation in the manner described by Abu Musa. Addressing the people of one circle Ibn Masud asked, ‘What is going on?’ They said, ‘These are pebbles and on them we are reciting Takbeer, Tahleel and Tasbeeh of Allaah.’ Ibn Masood said, ‘Instead of this you better count your sins. I stand in surety that Allaah will not allow your virtues to go to waste. Alas O Ummah of Muhammad (Sollallaahu alaehi wa sallam), how soon you are spoiled. What a number of Sohaabah are still amongst you. The clothes of the Prophet (Sollallaahu alaehi wa sallam) are still not worn out, the utensils he used are still intact. And so you think that you are following a way which is better than the Prophet’s and gives better guidance? Are you not opening a door of deviation through this Bidah (innovation in religious matters)?’ The people replied apologetically,‘By Allaah our Niyyah (intention) was good.’ Ibn Masood said, ‘What a number of men there are that intend good but never reach that good.’” [Ad-Daarimee in As-Sunan, Vol. 1 Hadith No.17] #NOTE - The above Athar is very clear in showing that when a certain permitted way of glorifying Allaah (through word or deed), is performed in the setting of a new method, in the hope of getting reward from Allaah Subhaanahu wataaala, then that practice is an innovation which can only bring evil results. This is apparent in the statement of Ibn Masood (Rodiyallaahu anhu) when he said, “Instead of this you better count your sins.” Also note how Ibn Masood (Rodiyallaahu anhu) did not accept their having good intentions as justification for Bidah. The core of the matter is that #NOTHING from #ANYONE, no matter how #LEARNED or #PIOUS can be better in any way than the Messenger’s Sunnah (Sollallaahu alaehi wa sallam). Therefore, Ibn Masood BIG questione to them was: “And so you think that you are following a way which is better than the Prophet’s and gives better guidance?” Allaah Subhaanahu wata’aala has completed & perfected His Deen already (even before the Prophets Death), so the Ahl Al Bidah (the innovators) should go & find useful things to do instead of adding to Allaahs Deen. He said: “This day have I perfected your religion for you, completed My Favour upon you, and have chosen for you Islaam as your religion.” [Quraan 5:3] Thus, those who innovate a Bidah in Islaam, regarding it as something good are actually claiming that Muhammad (Sollallaahu alaehi wa sallam) betrayed his trust to deliver Allaah’s Message completely & perfectly. & PLEASE WHAT DO THEY EVEN DO AT THOSE ASALATU PLACES??? The places are even full of Bidah acts... - They chant Adhkaar in unison - When they get to this Dhikr Suboohun, Qudoosun Rabbul Malaaikati war-Rooh, they have to Sujood. # WHY?! Is that prescribed? - When they want to recite Sooratu Yaa Seen, they read it in one voice & they have to be on their feet. Subhaanallaah! All the above mentioned & more are things just formed by those their Towaagheet. & If really those attending Assolaatu places want to learn their Deen as they claim, let them ask people where they can find Sahih Sunni Alfas gathering/sitting around their areas, where the Deen is taught according to Kitaab wa Sunnah alaa fahmis-Salaf. Because those ones heading Assolaatu are Sufis, thos that if u ask them where Allaah is, they themselves cant give correct answer, please how then do you expect those ones attending them to know where Allaah is (wit proofs from the Qur-aan & Sunnah)??? #NO_EXAGGERATION Go ask all the Iya/baba Alasalaatu & ask them about Tawheed, it is 0/any number of questions you ask them... & one begins to wonder, what then are they teaching them regarding Deen if they know nothing about Tawheed? Songs & dance or what??? I will insha Allaah leave us with a beautiful narration from Rasool that negates all Bidah in Deen, even if the Bidah makes sense OR looks good to people... It was narrated from Abu Dharr (Rodiyallaahu anhu) that the Messenger of Allaah (Sollallaahu alaehi wa sallam) said: “There is nothing by means of which one may draw close to Paradise and move far away from Hell but it has been exlained to you. [Narrated by at-Tabaraani in al-Kabeer (1647) and classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in as-Saheehah, 1803]. *So therefore, whatever the Prophet (Sollallaahu alaehi wa sallam) did not explain to us from Allaah is not part of the religion & is not something by means of which one may draw close to Paradise & move far away from Hell. Assalaamu alaekum warahmatullaahi wabarakaatuh
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 07:46:57 +0000

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