AZAD BHARAT KA ITIHAS—491 Try to form a secular government at - TopicsExpress


AZAD BHARAT KA ITIHAS—491 Try to form a secular government at the Centre Today’s writing is meant for the members of Azizul Hind apart from the readers. I apologize to them that a meeting of the NGO was supposed to be held in the second week of March In which some big politicians were to be taken but it was not possible because of the announcement of the elections. And it was also not possible to convey a message to our members spread across the country asking them to be united on the issue of voting in favour of any single candidate. At least they are requested not to vote for any communal party and also keep a distance from any party that could go with the communal parties in the future. Therefore they should stand with one secular party in their state. You should also keep this in mind that it is not enough to vote a secular party only to thwart the victory of the BJP because you never know what decision that particular party will make in future. So voting any candidate who was in the past associated with the BJP will be meaningless because he may join the BJP in future. Therefore, you will have to decide in favour of a party that had neither any association in the past nor it is hoped that it will go with the BJP in future. We held a number of meetings in which we were successful to bringing together different political parties one platform. Because of poaucity of times or lack of our conviction that we could not be successful in our endeavour fully. But a beginning was made. Even today Mr Waqar of National Loktantric Party came and assured me that an alliance of 19 parties that had come on one platform are waiting for your final opinion for taking a last decision. Therefore, after a detailed discussion it was resolved that we will definitely support secular parties but our support should not be unconditional. We should have our own agenda. We should put some of the points before them and one condition should be that they should not join the BJP in future. Apart from it, the release of innocent youth and reservations should be included in the points so that when they are in the government or even out of the government we can demand from them that they should raise their voice in favour of the Muslims. He and other in his delegation agreed with me. Actually he was of the same view. It is possible that in the next elections, announcements of support to any particular party in every state will be made. The biggest problem in this regard is that the diverse views of our ulema whom we respect a lot have been a big cause of confusion on the issue. Definitely, our readers may also be confused because of this. I have not been able to talk over the phone because of my illness and my busy schedule with the newspaper. Most importantly, I have the invitation for participation in one or the other meeting almost daily. It is very difficult for me to decide or know the political affiliations of the organizers. I do not know in advance what views the guests present on the stage have about the political parties. Sometimes this creates problems or confusion. Once a big politician during his speech said something very objectionable things about a particular section with which I could not agree. Since I was to speak after him, I spoke against his views. It was his generosity that he tolerated my views. If I had not got the opportunity after him, my silence would have put a seal of approval on the views expressed by him. To avoid this situation, presently I am avoiding such meetings or programmers. Very soon I will convey the message through the newspaper which secular political party we should vote for. This will make the organizers aware of my point of view and only those who will agree to my point of view will invite me to their programme. It should not be done that while speaking in a programme, you praise every one and leave the audience confused. If one stands on the stage, he should stand with full conviction and after much thought. It is not possible that the organizers organized a programme in the favour of a candidate and you start speaking against other partiies and the very next day, when the organizers of another party held a meeting, it becomes your favourite party. So I request to the organizers of a programme should make it clear as to which party they support and what their agenda is. Only after this a decision can be made whether we should participate the programme. I can talk to the readers through the newspaper every day and I will speak the same things in the programme which I have been saying through the newspaper. There are requests for my participation in their programmes from far off places. I also join the programmes through teleconferencing. On the 28th, people want to listen to my through this technology. I had to make a speech in Muradabab on the 18th. My presence in a programme in Dasna was scheduled. Today on 16th I was to attend a programme in Baghpat which is not possible. On 15th a prgoramme was scheduled in Sonepat. I have to address an election rally in Godda in Jharkhand. Perhaps I won’t be able to attend all these programmes. Therefore, I apologise to all the organizers. Please understand my problem. Let me arrive at a decision. Then I will talk to you in the light of the decision. It will make things easier for you too as if you agree to my views you can invite me otherwise you can invite those whom you agree with. At I am able to find some friends for my distressed community, I will definitely do it. It will be my effort that the community does not find any new enemy. If you agree to my views, I request you to convey your views to me so that I can arrive a decision and can talk to you in your programme. Otherwise, I am already reaching amidst you through the newspaper. azizulhind hindi.azizulhind/ azizulhind/epaper/ hindi.azizulhind/epaper/ https://facebook/AzizulhindNewspaper https://twitter/azizulhindnews #azizburney #azizulhind #azizulhindngo #azad bharat ka itihas
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 11:22:15 +0000

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