Aa) GILGIT AND KARGAH - Half Day A visit to Gilgit and its bazar - TopicsExpress


Aa) GILGIT AND KARGAH - Half Day A visit to Gilgit and its bazar gives one an opportunity to leisurely become acquainted with the mountain people. A visit to the home of a Gilgiton and a school in the community enables the visitor to appreciate their hospitality and simplicity. Situated 15 Km southwest of Gilgit is Kargah, a small valley with several large rock carvings of Lord Buddha. It is not known exactly when the carvings were completed, but the workmanship is definitely that of a talented master. It is likely that a trade route linking Southern China with the neighboring countries once ran through the region. Further down, the valley narrows and through it flows the Kargah Nullah (stream) that abounds with fish. Bb) NALTAR - Full Day At the foot of Naltar Peak lies this photogenic valley at an altitude of 3,048m. Naltar is a popular trekking point. Its semi-nomadic people earn their living by growing potatoes and rearing cattle. A thick forest of cypress and cedar trees adds a sparkle of colour amongst the rocky peaks, especially when viewed from above. This is a full day excursion from Gilgit and needs 4WD jeeps. Cc) BAGROT - Full Day A beautiful village untouched by modern civilization, Bagrot is situated in Gilgit Valley 43 Km from Gilgit town. The narrow valley here presents enchanting mountain scenery and boasts an abundance of fruits, nuts and wild vines. The inhabitants of Bagrot are a simple, likeable people who believe in retaining their old culture and traditions. A visit to the fascinating Hinarche glacier is particularly recommended. Dd) PUNIAL - Full Day The excursion to the paradise of Punial starts with a jeep ride full of adventure. Lush greenery mixed with blossoming flowers make the journey colourful as the road climbs along the mountain slopes. At Sher Qila (the capital) you will have an audience with the last surviving Raja of the former Kingdom of Punial. A walk through the village and a visit to a home, a water mill and a school gives a good idea of the people. Also situated in the village is the beautiful wooden residence of the former kings. top HUNZA Situated in the heart of the Karakorams, the legendary mountain kingdom of Hunza lies on the ancient trade route to Sinkiang; today the Karakoram Highway runs along this route. Very few places in the world compare with this small mountainous region, which was a semi autonomous state but is now fully unified with Pakistan. Hunza is an earthly paradise whose inhabitants are renowned for their longevity, their simplicity and natural diet. The scenic beauty of this area, with its greenery and snowbound mountains, makes it a true paradise. During the summer there is an abundance of apricots, peaches, pears and grapes. There are several glaciers and high peaks around Hunza, the most magnificent being Rakaposhi (7,788m). Hunza is also known for its unpolluted mountain air, which caused this area to be known as “Shangri-La”. Karimabad is the main town of Hunza. The blossoming and autumn at Hunza are really worth seeing and attract thousands of tourists, especially from Japan.
Posted on: Thu, 27 Jun 2013 08:23:27 +0000

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