Aam Aadmi Party- a Misnomer At least the name itself is honest - TopicsExpress


Aam Aadmi Party- a Misnomer At least the name itself is honest but the projection is wrong because it is not a party of leaders chosen by common men. It is a party where common men have taken up the role of Leaders. Leaving this single aspect, everything else about the party is dishonest. The name itself is self contradictory in the context of India which is a republic. Let us consider the whole issue a little rationally. In Dehli, common and uncommon men, women and others participated in the recent election. Only 66% voters exercised their right of franchise. About 29.5% voted for AAm Aadmi Party which means that about 19.5% out of total Delhi voters voted for Aam Leaders. BJP got 33% out of total polled votes( 21.7% of total votes) and congress about 24.5% (16.1% of total votes). Even considering the votes polled, 29.5% voted for AAP and 57.5% voted against AAP. What conclusion would this party which claims to be a great believer of participatory and representative democracy draw from these facts and figures? Instead of being humble the party is already going overboard in projecting itself as the voice of majority of Delhi voters! A mix of AAM and Khaas voted for AAP and to surmise that those who voted against them( the 57.5%) were not AAM but Khaas, would be nothing but fallacious. But the leaders of AAM AADMI Party have mastered the art of such reasoning and argument. They have also mastered the art of beating the drum and attracting public attention and keeping them under a spell by playing all sorts of tricks and gimmicks. And the electronic as well as the print media provides the whole orchestra to the AAM AADMI PARTY when they are on their singing spree. In this cacophony of AAM, AAP and unending TU TU MAI MAI we are not allowed any space to remember to talk about the poor AAM ADMI of other three states which went to the polls along with Delhi. States which are more important in size and status ( Delhi not being a full fledged state as such and less than 15% of Madhya pradesh in terms of population ). Why did it never occur to us that even those elections were real where Aam and Khaas voted to choose their leaders and governments? The Aam Aadmi Party is gambling on the gullibility of the Aam Aadmi who gets distracted easily and is swayed by propaganda. In this venture the Aam Aadmi Party keeps insulting the Aam voter of this country by calling all leaders corrupt, declares that all parties and Aam voters who vote for them are corrupt and only those who vote for AAP are honest, wise and Aam at the same time. The election results in Delhi were fractured but tilted in favour of the BJP and as the single largest party they should have been allowed to form a government. In a bid to outdo AAP in practicing politics of principles, the BJP decided to take high moral ground by refusing to form a government by managing majority in spite of having enough managing skills and managers. Of course they are nowhere near the benchmark set by the Congress party in splitting, aligning and merging parties. The BJP has been weathering pressure from all sides. sometimes it would stoop to conquer and at other times stand tall and erect. It is only the disadvantage of being in two minds that exposed the darker side of the saffron. The Congress had long ago mastered the art of deception and no matter how blatant the act, it always managed to achieve the ends and get away with some bruises to its already damaged image. The Congress has aways gambled on the proverbial short memory of the people. Self conceit can lead to all kinds of cockeyed views,visions and actions. Self conceit did not let AAP see the writing on the wall that they do not have the mandate of the people to form a government. People outside Delhi do not know that the assembly elections in Delhi were reverberating with slogans - Modi for PM - Kejrival CM. One does not know who was the master mind behind this slogan but it certainly weakened the prospects of BJP in Delhi by swaying a sizeable chunk of AAM Aadmis towards Aam Aadmi Party. Self conceit grew many fold in the few days that it took the fact of unexpected victory to settle in the minds of AAP leaders. The Grand Masters in the Congress started working overtime to take a position from where they could hit two birds with one stone. The fear psychosis may have hit the Congress that BJP would find itself in a situation where majority would be possible without much conscious management. The other situation was equally scary where the LG, perceived more or less a representative Congress, would run the Government with the thorn of Aam Aadmi Party constantly itching itching the sides during the crucial Lok Sabha Elections. Now the Congress managed a soft landing between a rock and a hard place by grabbing the opportunity of installing the AAP whose leaders are actually AAM ADMIS of the most ordinary kind. They do not lose any opportunity in declaring that they are not interested in running a government but the fact is that they have always nurtured this desire within themselves. The moment came unexpectedly early and we found them biting the bullet. This is a long preamble to a short thesis. The very title- AAM ADMI PARTY is illusionary. The common man is misled into thinking that he is the leader of this party. This illusion was further sought to be strengthened by all sorts of juvenile gestures and childish acts whether it was the gesture of not using the official cars and bungalows or by soliciting public opinion about whether or not to form government. When 79% of the voters have already said no to you by their acts of commission( voting against AAP) or omission ( by abstaining from voting), what a hypocritical exercise it was to seek another opinion vote! But they did want to form the government and instead of managing a majority, they managed a few thousand opinions to justify their act. Seeking public opinion and approval before doing anything is the worst kind of subterfuge the AAM leaders of AAP could have resorted to. It shows how hollow they are and exposes their inherent weakness and dishonesty . It also shows their lack of confidence in themselves and lack of courage of conviction. They do not want to take any risks, nor would they like to be accountable to their actions, so ultimately the entire blame for any policies or acts would be shared by the People of Dehli who voted through SMS for every policy, decision and act ! what kind of weird leadership is that? This is perhaps the first experiment of its kind in the history of parliamentary democracy and governance . Some people have rightly drawn a parallel with Khap panchayats because they also do not function under any constitution which defines justice and there too majority opinion is the Law. AAP leaders have left the Khaps behind by throwing the existing constitution to the winds and seeking to establish, at least theoretically, the rule of majoritarianism( though even their majority is not real but notional ). The long and short of it is this: we do not need AAM ADMIS to lead us. We need extraordinary and Khaas AADMIS. The people who fought for the freedom of this country were not AAM ADMIS, they were the Khaasulkhaas of the society. Forget Gandhi for a few moments for Gods sake and for the sake of being more rational than emotional. For a change let us remember those Khaas leaders who mentored Gandhi. Then there were Khaas leaders who walked along side him and also those Khaas leaders who willingly and consciously submitted to his philosophy and lived his values. There were Gokhales and Rajajis and there were vinobas. It all ended with Lal Bahadur shastri and the era of AAM leaders in the Khaas parties began. Some how India has survived the continued mis-governance by AAM Admis . Today there is a dire need of the Khaas Aadmi to emerge out of this crowd of a billion AAM and lead us. what can bring this about? only the collective aspiration and will of the people can make it happen but the first condition is not to fall prey to the illusions created by those who just happen to talk different, look different and mimic better. We must have the ability to discern between the AAM and the KHAAS, the real and the forged, the true and the phoney.The day majority of Indians are able to differentiate and distinguish between the two, the muck will find its place at the bottom and the real leadership will emerge.
Posted on: Sat, 01 Feb 2014 05:18:53 +0000

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