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Aan Dr Isak Burger: Jy lei onskuldige mense om die bos om jou leefstyl te financier. Ek seg: Kyk gerus How the new “god’ was created, called Jesus H. Christ en staak jou besigheid om perde drolle as vye te verkwansel aan stomp sinnige mense. At the Council of Nicaea, Constantine gathered together all the “presbyters” (pagan priests) of his day and all their gods and saviors and had them debate together in an attempt to create one composite “god” they all would agree to worship. This new god would be given all the combined attributes and basic life stories of the their gods rolled into one. The list of gods represented by their respective “priests” included Eastern and Western gods and goddesses: Jove, Jupiter, Salenus, Baal, Thor, Gade, Apollo, Juno, Aries, Taurus, Minerva, Rhets, Mithra, Theo, Fragapatti, Atys, Durga, Indra, Neptune, Vulcan, Kriste, Agni, Croesus, Pelides, Huit, Hermes, Thulis, Thammus, Eguptus, Iao, Aph, Saturn, Gitchens, Minos, Maximo, Hecla and Phernes and many more. It was in this “context” that the “god” Jesus H. Christ was created. The long list was narrowed down to the main gods of the Roman Aristocracy (Zeus and the son of Zeus Apollo) and the gods worshipped by the bulk of the common people (Julius Caesar and the sun god Mithra) along with the Eastern god Krishna. Up until the First Council of Nicaea, the Roman aristocracy primarily worshipped two Greek gods-Apollo and Zeus-but the great bulk of common people idolized either Julius Caesar or Mithras (the Romanized version of the Persian deity Mithra who was an incarnation of the Babylonian Tammuz). Caesar was deified by the Roman Senate after his death (15 March 44 BC) and subsequently venerated as the Divine Julius (very close to the name “Jesus”). The word Saviour was affixed to his name, its literal meaning being one who sows the seed, i.e., he was a phallic god making him Julius Christ. Julius Caesar (the initials JC and the name itself is very similar to Jesus Christ) was hailed as God made manifest and universal Saviour of human life as this new god would take on those same attributes i.e. God in the flesh (a contradiction of scripture as YHVH denied ever being a man or the son of man Numbers 23:19), and his successor Augustus was called the ancestral God and Saviour of the whole human race (Man and his Gods, Homer Smith, Little, Brown & Co., Boston, 1952). So Julius was known as “Julius Christos” making it very easy for his followers to accept the new god “Jesus Christ”. Emperor Nero, whose original name was Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus, was immortalized on his coins as the Saviour of mankind. The Divine Julius as Roman Savior and Father of the Empire was considered God among the Roman uneducated pagan population for more than 300 years. He was the deity in some Western pagan priestly texts, but was not recognized in the Eastern parts of the realm or Oriental writings. So Constantine was forced to include the Eastern realm god Krishna (or Christ in English). Constantine had a political problem that required a religious solution it is that simple. He never had a conversion to serve YHVH through Yahshua as we were led to believe. This political problem required he create a “god” that those who worshipped Julius would accept that would be acceptable to the factions in the Eastern and Orient who worshipped Krishna. All of these gods Jove, Jupiter, Salenus, Baal, Thor, Gade, Apollo, Juno, Aries, Taurus, Minerva, Rhets, Mithra, Theo, Fragapatti, Atys, Durga, Indra, Neptune, Vulcan, Kriste, Agni, Croesus, Pelides, Huit, Hermes, Thulis, Thammus, Eguptus, Iao, Aph, Saturn, Gitchens, Minos, Maximo, Hecla and Phernes and many more were narrowed down from literally hundreds down to 53 then after much debate down to only 5 through balloting: Caesar, Krishna, Mithra, Horus and Zeus (Historia Ecclesiastica, Eusebius, c. 325). So we were given the god Jesus H. Christ literally by a group of pagan priests who cast their vote for their pagan god by ballot! To make a very long and detailed story short, the council could not come to a decision on just one god they all could accept, so Constantine exercised his authority as Emperor and High Priest to consolidate the 3 primary gods that would effectively represent the Greek masses and the Eastern and the Oriental religions of the Roman Empire. Every one of these so called “gods” are nothing more than later incarnations of the Babylonian Religion whose saviour was Tammuz the second member of the Babylonian Trinity and son/sun of “God”. So, Constantine chose the following “gods” to unite his empire: · To placate the powerful British factions he chose the great Druid god which was the sun god Hesus (an incarnation of Nimrod/Tammuz), · To placate the faction from Egypt he chose the Assyrian sun god Horus (an incarnation of Nimrod/Tammuz). · To placate the Eastern/Oriental factions he chose the Eastern Saviour-god, Krishna (Krishna is Sanskrit for Christ) (an incarnation of Nimrod/Tammuz). These three main sun god / saviors were then united into one composite deity called Hesus Horus Krishna which later became known in its English derived name as Jesus H. Christ. Satisfying the Julius, Esu, Horus, and Krishna faithful who made up the vast majority of his empire. Constantine now had a “god” for his new religion which was not new at all but the rebirth of Babylonian sun worship. A “god” easily acceptable by all throughout his realm (except true followers of Yahshua whom he simply had killed in the inquisition). The new “god” of Constantine’s religion Now let’s review the gods that make up this new composite pagan god of the newly formed (yet known by all pagans as very old) state religion of Rome. Each of these pagan gods were nothing more than later triune (trinity) incarnations of Nimrod / Semiramis / Tammuz also known as Isis/Horus/Seb which is the monogram of the new god of Christianity I.H.S.. This new gods emblem would be made up of the image of the sun (Baal) with the initials I.H.S and the cross of Tammuz all taken from the religion born in Babylon: The image below is the monogram of Jesus H. Christ, even today most Christian Churches show the cross of Tammuz with the blazing sun as a backdrop: These images are taken from a cut-out of the Zodiac Chart which was corrupted by mankind and worshipped as man began worshipping the planets. The center of the Zodiac Chart is depicts the sun and the cross is made by the overlapping solstices: The names and the images all handed down through history from the Tower of Babel as mankind spread across the globe with different languages and cultures taking the worship of the planets with them… sun worship. Let’s look a little closer at these so-call “gods” that are the foundation of the fictional messiah Jesus H. Christ who abolished the law of YHVH. The corruptible man we have elevated in our hearts and who represents the pig sacrifice on His Alter! Below I provide a background on each of the gods who compose Hesus Horus Krishna aka Jesus H. Christ: Hesus The 18th century Druidic revivalist Iolo Morgannwg identified Esus with Jesus on the strength of the similarity of their names. He also linked them both with Hu Gadarn, writing: “Both Hu and HUON were no doubt originally identical with the HEUS of Lactantius, and the HESUS of Lucan, described as gods of the Gauls. The similarity of the last name to IESU [Welsh: Jesus] is obvious and striking.” When we simply take a step back and admit to ourselves what happened at the Council of Nicaea the similarities between Hesus and “Jesus” can easily be understood. They are one in the same as Hesus becaem Jesus when the letter J was introduced into the vocabulary centuries later. We’ll get more into the meaning of the name Jesus later. Hesus is a later derivate of the name Esus pronounced “eh-soos”. This is identically to the latin name Iesous where we get the English word “Jesus”. Strongs #2424: Iesous (pronounced ee-ay-sooce). Hesus was the second member of a Trinity. A well-known section in Lucans Bellum civile talks about the gory sacrificial offerings proffered to a triad of Celtic deities: Teutates, Hesus (an aspirated form of Esus), and Taranis. Among a pair of later commentators on Lucans work, one identifies Teutates with Mercury and Esus with Mars the god of war. According to the Berne Commentary on Lucan, human victims were sacrificed to Esus by being tied to a tree and flailed to death. Now... is the execution of Yahshua coming into focus? Yahshua was killed by ROME in a pagan sacrifice orchestrated by Satan to the Roman god of war. He was tied to a tree stump and flailed then (according to Roman legend) hung on the Cross of Tammuz as a sacrifice. Above is a picture of “Jesus” as Hesus, Teutates, and Taranis. Below The triune god worshipped by the Vikings was another version of this triple diety of Hesus, Teutates, and Taranis. Horus Horus too was the second member of a Trinity. This is the very Trinity of the Catholic/Christian Church of Isis, Horus, and Seb or I.H.S. the monogram of Jesus H. Christ with the cross of Tammuz all in the middle of the invincible sun god. Horus is also the god of the USA with the eye of Horus over an Egyptian pyramid on the back of the Dollar Bill with in God we trust! Below is a picture the Catholic “Monstrance” that today represents Jesus H. Christ. In fact, Horus was none other than the Egyptian manifestation of Nimrod reincarnated as Tammuz. The same mother/son marriage relationship existed with Horus and Hathor in Egypt just like Babylon between Semiramis and Tammuz. Horus was the Egyptian Tammuz that was a reincarnated god from a “virgin birth” by the rays (spirit) of the sun god. He was worshipped on SUNday. His mother Hathor is none other than Ishtar/Semiramis of Babylonian lore. The statues of Isis were renamed Mary and so on. The names changed because of the different languages by the ritual surrounding their worshipped did not. To this day they remain intact in the fundamental doctrines of Christianity. The earliest recorded form of Horus is the patron deity of Nekhen (another name for Tammuz) in Upper Egypt, who is the first known national god, specifically related to the king who in time came to be regarded as a manifestation of Horus in life and Osiris in death. The most commonly encountered family relationship describes Horus as the son of Isis (Ishtar/Semiramis) and Osiris (Baal/Nimrod) but in another tradition Hathor is regarded as his mother and sometimes as his wife (just like Tammuz/Semiramis). Horus served many functions in the Egyptian pantheon, most notably being the god of the sky, sun, war and protection. Krishna Krishna was the second member of the Hindu Trinity just like Horus and Tammuz and Jesus are all second members of their respective pagan trinities. Krishna was the Hindu incarnation of the Babylonian Tammuz in their language and culture. Many progressive Christian scholars go so far as admit the Hindu source for many of the events in Jesus life and is a topic is worth studying. But outside the scope of this book. Many non-Christian religious belief systems, including Hinduism, permeated the Mediterranean region in the 1st century CE. where Christianity was born at the hands of Constantine. The word “Krishna” is Sanskrit for Christ and over time the word evolved from Krishna to Krischto to Chresto to Christ. It means “the anointed one” and the meaning is very different from the Hebrew word “messiah”. We see “Jesus” and Krishna portrayed in paintings and the similarities are striking. These images are complete with the solar deity traits of the cross of The Zodiac in front of the blazing sun: The above pagan deities were the foundation for Hesus Horus Krishna later known as Jesus H. Christ. There were various male heroes within Egyptian, Greek, Indian, Roman and other pantheons of gods, whose role was to be saviors to humanity -- much like Jesus. In order to compete with those religions, Christianity (as created by Constantine) would have had to describe a new composite god “Jesus H. Christ” in name, traits, and life experiences that matched or surpassed the legends and myths of other religions. Otherwise, it would not have survived. Then this new religion would have to assimilate all other pagan religions into this new one by threat of death. The pagan Roman Priests who translated the gospels may well have picked up themes from other sources and added them to their writings in order to make Christianity more credible to a religiously diverse world, most of which worshiped multiple gods and goddesses. I suggest the reader purchase the book Misquoting Jesus for an introduction to the field of Textual Criticism where it has been proven the original manuscripts were altered to support pagan doctrines such as The Trinity and much more. By isolating and removing such foreign material from the Gospels that are obvious references to pagan deities, we might be able to get a clearer picture of what Yahshua the true Messiah actually taught and how he lived. When we do, we are left with a perfect match of the O.T. Prophets who spoke of a human Messiah and prophet of YHVH who would further teach The Torah (supersede Moses) and reveal YHVH to mankind. When you remove all the pagan associations from the altered texts of the Greek manuscripts we are left with: A very human, itinerant, Jewish, rabbi-healer. ·
Posted on: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 06:35:06 +0000

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