Aargh. Having to spend an hour dealing incompletely with an - TopicsExpress


Aargh. Having to spend an hour dealing incompletely with an Internet plumbing blockage. (Yahoo made a change over a month ago where it examines incoming email to see whence it came, and if the reply or From addresses are from Yahoo and the originating IP isnt, it bounces the message. See DMARC for dirty details. Anyway, everythings fine for Yahoo subscribers of mailing lists until somebody with a Yahoo address posts on the list. At this point, all Yahoo subscribers (*) fail delivery and send bounces, and the mailing lists see that there are bounces to those subscribers and disable their accounts.) There are things mailing list software can do this address this, but Yahoo didnt give mailing list software developers a heads-up about this so theyve been playing catchup. LISTSERV - a full-on commercial software developer - got a fix out fairly recently, which I heard about because I used to manage LISTSERV software for work and am still on their mailing lists. MailMan, which is what all the bacds.org-hosted mailing lists (including ECD, the 500+ subscriber English Country Dance mailing list which BACDS was kind enough to adopt) turns out to have put out a new version which might address this on May 2nd; I didnt hear about this. So today, somebody posted from a yahoo account on ECD, and 40 subscribers got disabled. (They get a message from MailMan telling them how to reenable their account, but this causes confusion and alarm from a signficant number of list members.) So I just manually reenabled all the ECDlist accounts which had been disabled for excessive bounces. Incidentally, when I say Yahoo subscribers, it turns out that Yahoo kindly bounces messages which arent even addressed to Yahoo subscribers if they pass through Yahoo servers, so this has caused bounces for AOL, COMCAST, etc, subscribers as well. Fun! The person who probably knows most about installing software on the BACDS system is hella-busy. I can see that theres several dependencies - new MailMan wants Python 2.6 and were on 2.5 - and I dont know what else will break, so Im not messing with it. Ive changed the ECD list tor rewrite FROM and REPLY-TO headers so you cant tell who messages are from, which will stop the bouncing but be very annoying, and Ill call that an interim measure until mailman is updated.
Posted on: Sat, 31 May 2014 23:08:06 +0000

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