Aaron Armstrong speaker.gov/contact phone: (202) 225-0600 fax: - TopicsExpress


Aaron Armstrong speaker.gov/contact phone: (202) 225-0600 fax: (202) 225-5117 An open letter to the Speaker of the House 4 June 2014 Speaker of the House H-232 The Capitol Washington, DC 20515 Mr. Speaker, President Obama does not appear to have any respect for Congress or the Laws of this Nation. His ACTIONS speak volumes and cannot be explained away as simple oversight or a failure of his subordinates to communicate with him over a myriad of very important issues facing OUR nation. The most recent example; the POTUS unilaterally releasing five GITMO detainees without even advising Congress 30 days prior, as the law requires, is consistent with his past behavior and just one more unlawful act he is using to undermine our “rule of law”. Regardless of the outcome of Sgt Bergdahl’s pending military review, President Obama has willingly endangered American’s abroad and has significantly increased the risk to America’s National Security. This is not an isolated incident. He has systematically undermined the foundations of our nation by intentionally disregarding laws he doesn’t like (even OBAMACARE), using the power of various federal agencies to inflict serious harm to honest, hard working American’s (IRS, BATFE, EPA, BLM, DOJ, NSA, VA, ICE, etc…..), turning his back on American’s under attack (Benghazi), and failing to stand with our allies (Egypt, Israel) while at the same time supporting, funding, and arming our enemies (Muslim Brotherhood, Mexican Drug Cartels, Al Qaeda in Syria). He continues to do as he pleases regardless of any opposition or viable information contrary to his position. Abuse of power is clear. Dishonesty is rewarded in the Obama administration, stonewalling and misinformation is rampant, and the foundation of our Constitutional Republic is at serious risk. Lawlessness is not acceptable in America. Your position as “SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE” was previously one of the most powerful positions in the UNITED STATES FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. I say previously because your inaction as current Speaker has allowed President Obama, who clearly does not honor or comply with the law, to exercise authority he is not entitled to. Your failure to lawfully exercise your authority as “Speaker of the House” has resulted in the Executive Branch gaining superiority over the Legislative and Judicial branches. You sir, are in a position to take immediate action over President Obama’s release of GITMO detainees or, forever forfeit complete power to the executive branch and an unlawful president. America cannot continue to exist as we know it, unless a very significant event takes place either in our government or on the ground in our nation. President Obama does not act in the best interest of America and needs to be removed from office immediately. A corrupted Senate Majority Leader, an Attorney General guilty of Contempt and still holding office, and the regular practice of politics and stonewalling make Impeachment impossible. America’s days are numbered unless you act now. I urge you to stand up for the American People, for OUR Constitution, for the Rule of Law, and immediately stop the systematic destruction of trust, prosperity, and National Security by a man who is clearly a domestic threat to America’s national interests. Do this for the American People. Mr. Speaker, I urge you to act now.
Posted on: Mon, 16 Jun 2014 01:04:04 +0000

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