Abba, You are my deliverer. you are my God, my Savior, my rock, my - TopicsExpress


Abba, You are my deliverer. you are my God, my Savior, my rock, my heart. Even in the midst of trials and tribulations You are with me and take my part. You know my heart better than any, You know the truth and You also know what is not the truth. Slander, liable, and so much more; You will handle all. You are my strength. Thank You Lord for touching my physical body. thank you for handling our finances. Thank you for those who love me, who are not false, but true. Thank You for Your Son and the gift He gave me. Thank You for every promise in Your Word and for being the Promise Keeper. Thank You for lifting me up when I am down, thank You for going before me and after me. Thank You for the ministering angels You send to me daily. Thank Yu for wisdom and knowledge. I ask Lord, that You not let me be deceived again. I usually am a very good judge of character, but sometimes I open my heart too readily, trying to help another or be there for someone only to learn that had I been listening to You, I would not be taken in by those who would use me, then cause harm to my good name. I ask Lord that You help me to see and hear with spiritual eyes and ears what Your spirit has to share and say, in Jesus name. I ask daily for forgiveness and surrender my mind, my thoughts, my dreams, my emotions, my imaginations, my physical body, and my inner man to the Holy Ghost only in Jesus name. I give you praise, honor, and glory. I worship only You. I continue to pray for those here on fb, and especially for those who are lost in sin. I pray for those with scales over their eyes, that You would brake away those scales so they can see. Lord rebuke the devil. Bind him from speaking and whispering in the ears of Your children. Bind him from influencing and distracting Your children. His goal and strategy is to divide and conquer. I ask that You cast out the spirit of deception, derision, and division among Your people. I pray for healing Lord for Kathy, Art, Janice, Dee, the baby girl struggling tonight for her life, for my friends who lost their new baby. I thank You for your mercy; she was born with all of her intestines, kidneys, and liver on the outside other body. Only You know why, but I ask that somehow You use her small life to make a difference in someone elses in Jesus name. Father, be with every person here tonight and always. Lead them in the way You wish them to go, for Your express glory. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.
Posted on: Fri, 16 May 2014 05:14:04 +0000

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