Abbas enacts ploy to deceive donor countries. Abbas Presidential - TopicsExpress


Abbas enacts ploy to deceive donor countries. Abbas Presidential decree changes PA Ministry of Prisoners Affairs to PLO Authority of Prisoners Affairs. by Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik Now the PA wont be using US and EU money directly to pay salaries to terrorist prisoners, but will use US and EU money indirectly to pay terrorist prisoners, by channeling it through the PLO. Minister Karake: [Due to PAs payment of salaries to prisoners] there was [international] pressure and a kind of war, an intense war, and monetary and financial threats towards the PA [Ajyal radio (independent Palestinian station), Aug. 30, 2014] PA Government Spokesman: [The change] will provide political and legal cover for this issue. It eliminates the many arguments made by many parties, who always try to say that [foreign] aid money [to the PA] is going to the prisoners [Official PA TV, June 5, 2014]
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 15:30:35 +0000

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