Abdul Rahman Abdul Rahaman Firdaws wants to know the meaning of - TopicsExpress


Abdul Rahman Abdul Rahaman Firdaws wants to know the meaning of tijaania?. Kindly contribute the little you know, insha Allah. Al-Shuyukh Tijani is a blessed great great great great grand son of Rasullullah (saw.). He was born in Morocco. His lineage is through the 2nd grand-Son Rasullullah (saw), Imam Hassan (ra). Imam Assan (ra) is d 1st son of Imam Ali (ra), and Nana Fatimah Al-Zara. Imam Ali (ra) is a cousin of Rasullullah (saw). Nana Fatimah Al-Zarah is a blood daughter of Rasullullah (saw). Now Al-Shuyukh Kutubul Muktub Al-Tijani revealed to us what his great great great great grand father, Al Imam Hassan (ra) granted him. It is called Tareeka. Tareeka Means Way. It is about Zikr. It comprises of Istigfahr,Tawheed, Sallatul Nabif, and a special praises for Rasullullah (saw). Al-Kutubul Muktub, Al-Shuyukh Sheikh Islam, Sheikh Ibrahim Nyass Ciessey is a student of Al-Shuyukh Al-Tijani. He further revealed the superiority of Al-Shuyukh Tijani. So, the Sufi sect of Islam believe in Tareeka. Hence, whoever believe in the teachings of Al-Shuyukh Kutubul Muktub Al-Tijani is said to be a Tijania, insha Allah. Keep in touch. I will soon post its sauces from the Quran and Hadith, insha Allah. Take care. Is your question answered so far?
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 09:35:19 +0000

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