Abdul was a devotee and servitor of Sai Baba and had an - TopicsExpress


Abdul was a devotee and servitor of Sai Baba and had an opportunity to stay in close contact with him. Born in 1869, initially he was a servitor of Amiruddin fakir of Nanded. A mysterious event happened in 1889. Sai Baba appeared in the dream of Amiruddin, materialized two real mangoes and told him to give them to Abdul and send Abdul to Shirdi. On his arrival in Shirdi, exclaimed Sai Baba, ‘My crow has come’. From the beginning Sai Baba initiated Abdul in the task of service. It was the responsibility of Abdul to keep lamps burning perpetually at five placed in Shirdi, viz. Lendi, Masjid, Chavadi etc. When Sai Baba went to the Lendi Abdul would keep two pots filled with water near Sai Baba. Sitting opposite the Nandadeep at the Lendi Sai Baba would make offerings of water to different directions. Sai Baba had charged Abdul with many other duties such as sweeping all the roads near the Masjid and Chavadi, washing Sai Baba’s clothes at the stream near the northern boundary, fetching water etc. As Abdul would clean the human refuse on the streets Sai Baba would lovingly call him a scavenger. For all the services rendered by Abdul, Sai Baba undertook the responsibility for his spiritual progress. Abdul would read the Koran sitting near Sai Baba. Some times Sai Baba would open the Koran at any page and ask Abdul to read. Some times Sai Baba would also ask Abdul occasionally to remain awake the whole night and go on reading the Koran. Sai Baba had exhorted him to have only one or two dishes in his food and to observe restraint and moderation in eating and sleeping. Abdul would abide by Sai Baba’s exhortation.
Posted on: Sat, 06 Jul 2013 14:57:36 +0000

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