About 1/2 a dozen of you,have messaged me asking How did this all - TopicsExpress


About 1/2 a dozen of you,have messaged me asking How did this all start? I will just post how and when this Journey started...I was born March 25 1973...HAHA! Just kidding ;) Sometime in early October,of this year,I started getting headaches,not horrible pain,they just were all the time. I was not someone who had suffered from them before. Then...I started seeing flashes of light,in the corner of my right eye. My sister Terri Menage,the family doctor,told me,your not getting enough sleep! I had also been informed,by non medical people,it was migraines...stress...or just my panic attacks So I bought every headache med on the shelves!!! Didnt touch them,but ice helped???I was backing out of my drive way,and we have these ditch thing,so when it rains,the yards dont flood,I started going towards it,my son said mom break,MOM break,BREAK!!! I could not figure out how to take my foot off the gas pedal,and apply the break,so I crashed my car into a cement wall!!! My son says I did whats called a panic pedal My man John Turner had called,I started to talk to him...then I couldnt get words to come out of my mouth,I just made this buzzing sound! OK thats a lie the only words that I was able to say clearly...cuss words (shame on me) but I was sick of buzzing like a darn bee!!! Before I knew it I convinced myself,it was my eyes and being 40,I needed to have them checked! So off to the Walmart Vision Center!!! As the eye guy is checking out my eyes,he pulls up the eye thing,and asks who is here to comfort you? I reply huh? he says who is here with you,is that your daughter out there,get her in here now! Bailey walks in...he says to her GET HER TO THE ER NOW!!! As im looking at him I ask OH MY GOSH,DO I NOT HAVE EYES??? I swear I asked him that! So off to the ER we go. Super long story short...had a CT,doctor says abnormal scan so off to a MRI,I informed him if you dont knock me out before putting me in that tube,I will fight!!! MRI showed I had a large mass on my brain,and I needed to go to Barrows NOW! Again I put my 2 cents in Im not going in a helicopter! I didnt have too:) You all know the out come ;) I forgot something VERY important!!! Every morning,before work,I would go to my Moms and have coffee with her and my sister:) I guess one day I walked in like Quasimodo,my sister said I swear if you freaking walk in like Quasimodo one more time!!! I sit on the couch and told my Mom Mom somethings wrong,I think I have brain tumor my Mothers response I love when you come over,but I swear if you say tumor one more time,you cant come over,there is nothing wrong with you,its all in your HEAD! Just like me,to go and prove her wrong ;)
Posted on: Sat, 30 Nov 2013 10:22:49 +0000

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