About 12 years back, one of my favourite social science teachers - TopicsExpress


About 12 years back, one of my favourite social science teachers was teaching us how Aryans, who came from Europe attacked native Dravidians & chased them to South which led to the beginning of a great civilization called Indus Valley Civilization where people were highly civilized, wrote Rigveda first & then Yajurveda,Samaveda & at last Atharvaveda etc etc.... After hearing this, I had many doubts in my mind, but I was a small timid boy afraid of asking questions. How is it that so called Aryans of European origin came to India & wrote vedas?! My veda teachers taught me that Veda vyasa got his name because he classified the whole vedas into Rigveda,Yajurveda,Samaveda & Atharvaveda & taught each Veda to 4 of his disciples; then why does the textbook say that Rigveda originated first, then Yajurveda & so on? I was proud of my countrys culture & civilisation & viewed Europe as a place of invaders, looters & uncultured people but why are we also taught that even our civilisation was started by Europeans? If Aryans & Dravidians are of different races & aryans are from Europe then why so called Aryans look more similar to Dravidians & not Europeans? The word Dravida means of south Indian origin in Sanskrit, then why is the textbook saying that Dravidians were living in north India & then chased to south India by so called Aryan invaders? These doubts came to my mind then; now I have grown up & found the answer: That the whole story was bogus & was cooked up by British as a part of divide & rule policy & many morons continue to believe it even after 67 years of Independence!!!! (I was surprised to know that these morons are even demanding for a seperate Dravidian country now!!!) Check the news report: New research debunks Aryan invasion theory dnaindia/india/report-new-research-debunks-aryan-invasion-theory-1623744 Indians must know that all Indians are of same race irrespective of their colour, state or religion.
Posted on: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 06:15:53 +0000

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